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keep (…) from 避开,忍住;对……隐瞒(保密)

He keeps from alcohol and tobacco. 他烟酒不沾。

I can’t keep from laughing. 我忍不住大笑。

We thought it best to keep the bad news from him. 我们认为,这坏消息最好不让他知道。

I was so excited that I couldn’t keep the good news from her any longer. 我太激动了,再也没法对她隐瞒这个好消息了。

prevent …from 阻止……做(某事)

Nobody can prevent us from getting married. 谁也不能阻止我们结婚。

They took action to prevent the disease from spreading. 他们采取行动以防止疾病蔓延。

prohibit … from 禁止……做(某事),妨碍……做(某事)

Minors are prohibited from drinking. 未成年者禁止喝酒。

His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot. 他因视力弱而不能当飞行员。

protect … from [against] 保护……免受

He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow. 他伸出胳臂护住脸部免受拳击。

Wear something to protect your head against the sun. 你在头上戴些东西以防晒伤。

Parents try to protect their children from danger as far as possible. 父母都尽量保护自己的孩子免受危险。

save … from 从……中救出;使……免于

The mayor gave praise to the firefighters for saving people from the burning building. 市长赞扬了那些把人们从失火的大楼里救出来的消防队员们。

Nothing can save this company from bankruptcy. 没有什么能够保全这家公司不致破产。

We are trying to save the school from closure. 我们正竭尽所能挽救这所学校,使它免于关闭。

separate … from 把……与……分开

Separate the longer ones from the shorter ones. 把长的与短的分开。

This patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该与其他病人分开。

A large river separates the north of the city from the south. 一条大河把这座城市的北部和南部隔开了。

steal … from 从……偷(窃取)

He stole a bun from the shop. 他从商店里偷了一个圆面包。

He stole from the rich to give to the poor. 他偷富人的东西去接济穷人。

Her plan to steal money from the company was foiled by a coworker. 她从公司偷钱的计划被一位同事挫败了。

stop … from 阻止(阻挡)……做(某事)

Her parents tried to stop her from seeing him. 她父母不让她见他。

If I can stop them from going there, I’ll do it. 要是我能够阻止他们去那里,我会这样做的。

tell … from 把……与……区分开(www.hxen.net)

How can we tell the good from the bad? 我们怎样才能区分好坏?

It’s difficult to tell Jean from Joan; they look so alike. 很难分清谁是珍妮谁是琼,他们俩长得那么相像。