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cover … with 用……覆盖(遮掩)  

She covered her face with her hands. 她用手掩面。  

The mother covered her baby with a blanket. 那个妈妈用毛毯盖着她的婴儿。  

deal with 与……有生意往来;和……打交道  

What shop do you deal with? 你在哪一家商店买东西?  

We don’t deal with terrorists. 我们不与恐怖分子打交道。  

equip … with 用……装备,给……配备  

We’ll have to equip our office with word processors, won’t we? 我们公司应该备有文字处理机,不是吗?  

Equip your bicycle with a head light. 在你的自行车上装上前灯。  

exchange … with 与……交换  

I often exchange information with him. 我经常和他交换资讯。  

Shall I exchange seats with you? 我和你换座位好吗?  

fill (…) with 充满,用……充满;用……招待  

Please fill the glass with water. 请往玻璃杯里倒满水。  

They filled the guest with good food. 他们以美食款待客人。  

finish with 完成;用完;以……作为结束;与……断绝关系  

The young fellow has finished with school. 那个年轻人已经完成学业。  

Please return it to me when you have finished with the dictionary. 请用完这本词典后就把它还给我。  

What shall we have to finish the meal with? 这顿饭最后一道菜吃什么?  

I’ve finished with Mary after the way she’s treated me. 在玛丽这样对待我之后,我已不跟她来往了。  

go with 与……同行;与……协调  

I should like to go with you. 我想跟你一道去。  

That tie doesn’t go with this suit. 那条领带与这套西套不相称。  

I can’t go with you in that. 在这一点上,我不能同意你的看法。  

link … with 与……连接;与……联系  

The newspapers have linked his name with hers. 报纸报道把他和她的名字联系在一起。  

The police have evidence that links the priest with a terrorist organization. 警方有证据显示那牧师与某个恐怖主义组织有关联。  

live with 和……一起生活;忍受  

She still lives with her parents. 她仍然与父母同住。  

You’ll have to learn to live with it, I’m afraid. 我看,你得学会容忍这种现实。  

meet with 碰到,遇到  

They met with an accident on their way back. 他们在回来的路上遇到了车祸。  

He met with two strangers in the wood. 在森林里他遇见两个陌生人。  

play with 和……玩;与……比赛;动……念头  

He often plays with his friends. 他常和他的朋友们玩。  

I often play tennis with him. 我时常和他打网球。  

She was playing with the idea of studying abroad. 她动起出国留学的念头。