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present …with 向……赠送  

All the dancers were presented with flowers. 所有舞蹈演员都有人献上鲜花。  

They presented the Queen with a bouquet on behalf of the women students. 她们代表女学生向女王献花。  

quarrel with 与……争吵;不同意,反对;挑剔  

He quarrelled with his wife. 他与他妻子吵架了。  

You can’t quarrel with the court’s decision—it’s very fair. 你不能反对法院的判决——判得很公平。  

reason with 说服,劝说;与……争辩  

He tried to reason with his students. 他设法说服学生。  

The police tried to reason with the gunman but he refused to give them his gun. 警方试行劝说枪手,但他拒绝交枪。  

rest with由……决定,取决于;归属于  

The answer rests with you. 回答由你负责裁夺。  

The choice rests entirely with you. 这完全由你来选择。  

Supreme authority rests with the people. 最高权力属于人民。  

share … with 与……合用(分享)  

Let’s share the cake with her. 我们与她一起分吃这块蛋糕吧。  

It’s nice to have someone you can share your problems with. 有人分担你的麻烦事真好。  

start with 从……开始;在开始时  

Let’s have a few easy questions to start with. 让我们从几个简单的问题开始。  

The club had only six members to start with. 这家具乐部起初仅有6名会员。  

【注】用于 to start with(开始时;首先),用作状语。如:  

To start with everything was fine but then there were problems. 起初一切顺利,但接下来就出现问题。  

To start with we haven’t enough money, and secondly we’re too busy. 一来我们的钱不够,二来我们没有时间。  

supply… with 用……供应,向……提供  

The government decided to supply the refugees with houses. 政府决定供给难民住房。  

The media supplies us with lots of information every day. 大众传媒每天把很多信息提供给我们。