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1. As it was a stormy night, ________ people went to see the film.

A. a few                B. few                   C. several               D. many

2. People in the west make________ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.

A. it                       B. that                    C. this                      D. as

3. It was she that ________ a sharp whistle, which makes ________ possible for us to catch the thief.

A. gave off; this   B. gave out; that    C. gave; it               D. sent out; them

4. —The test was easy, wasn’t it?

—Yes, but I don’t think ________ could pass it.

A. somebody       B. anybody           C. nobody               D. everybody

5.—How about the price of these refrigerators?

—They are equal to, if not cheaper than, ________ at the other stores.

A. others               B. it                         C. that                    D. the ones

6. I’m afraid I’m not fit for the job, for it is ________ calling for much patience.

A. which                B. what                  C. one                     D. that

7. Our headmistress advised us that in order to succeed in life, one has to be honest with ________ friends.

A. their                   B. her                   C. our                       D. one’s

8. ________ are doing their exercises carefully.

A. Not all the boys                              B. Not every student

C. Not every pupils                             D. No all the girls

9. It is impossible for all the people to get the job, because ________ them are not fit for it.

A. every one of         B. all of              C. none of                D. each of

10. —Shall I sit at this end of the boat or other end?

—If you keep still, you can sit at________ end.

A. neither                  B. each              C. either                   D. any

11. ________side of the street is lined with different shops, ________ of which sell electronic products.

A. Both, both            B. Either, all       C. Neither, either     D. Either, both

12. ________ professional violinist practices for several hours a day, but ________ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert.

A. Every; each          B. Each; every   C. All; every            D. Either; neither

13. The mistakes made by Chinese students are quite different from ________ made by the Japanese students in English study.

A. that                        B. which                C. what                  D. those

14. Though they’ve brought us________ books for all of us to read in the coming summer holidays, ________of them are suited to our level.

A. some; neither        B. many; none    C. a few; neither      D. many; all

15. To pay to see that movie will be foolish when you can see it on television for ________.

A. everything              B. anything           C. something        D. nothing.

16. It seemed impossible for him to continue his schooling because ________ of his parents can earn money to support him.

A. none                       B. neither                C. no one              D. either

17. He has four brothers, one is in Beijing, and ________ are in Shanghai.

A. another                   B. the other             C. others               D. the others

18. Mary and Jane have arrived, but ________  students in the class aren’t here yet.

A. other                        B. the other             C. the others       D. others

19. —Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard.

—Why ________ ? John is sitting there doing nothing.

A. him                           B. he                        C. I                          D. me

20. Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in ________.

A. the other                    B. some other       C. others               D. these others