Reading Passage 3 | |
Title: | 儿童识别错误 Fault-belief experiment |
Question types: | 判断题 TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN 句子配对 Matching 选择题 Multiple Choice |
文章内容回顾 | 关于孩子的意识形成年龄。讲儿童心理学上的错误认知,就是几个实验,然后各个专家给出不同解释。 第一个研究的人组织了一个实验:一个小男孩把巧克力放进蓝色壁橱,他妈妈趁他不在把巧克力放进绿色壁橱,问围观全程的4岁小朋友们小男孩回来会在哪个壁橱里找,小朋友们全部回答说绿色的,专家们分别给出了解释。 第二个实验简化了第一个的条件:俩娃娃,一个有篮子一个有盒子(具体过程忘记了),围观全程的小朋友里面,3岁的都回答错了,4岁的都回答对了。于是又有针对这两个实验的解释。 接下来就是各路专家继续讨论了,与文化背景,家庭生活等各种因素有关,有人支持小朋友应该多和年长的人交流避免误导,有人支持小朋友应该多和同龄人交流来锻炼思考能力。 |
英文原文阅读 |
False-belief taskOne of the most important milestones in theory of mind development is gaining the ability to attribute false belief: that is, to recognize that others can have beliefs about the world that are diverging. To do this, it is suggested, one must understand how knowledge is formed, that people’s beliefs are based on their knowledge, that mental states can differ from reality, and that people’s behavior can be predicted by their mental states. Numerous versions of the false-belief task have been developed, based on the initial task done by Wimmer and Perner (1983).In the most common version of the false-belief task (often called the ‘Sally-Anne’ task), children are told or shown a story involving two characters. For example, the child is shown two dolls, Sally and Anne, who have a basket and a box, respectively. Sally also has a marble, which she places in her basket, and then leaves to take a walk. While she is out of the room, Anne takes the marble from the basket, eventually putting it in the box. Sally returns, and the child is then asked where Sally will look for the marble. The child passes the task if she answers that Sally will look in the basket, where she put the marble; the child fails the task if she answers that Sally will look in the box, where the child knows the marble is hidden, even though Sally cannot know, since she did not see it hidden there. In order to pass the task, the child must be able to understand that another’s mental representation of the situation is different from their own, and the child must be able to predict behavior based on that understanding. The results of research using false-belief tasks have been fairly consistent: most normally-developing children are unable to pass the tasks until around age four. (Notably, while most children, including those with Down syndrome, are able to pass this test, in one study, 80% of children diagnosed with autism were unable to do so.) |
题型难度分析 | 这篇文章中的三个题型中句子配对题较难,句子完成的配对。剩余两个题型也都为主流题型,但文章中有两个实验,考生在理解方面有难度。 |
题型技巧分析 | 选择题的做题步骤 一、阅读指令 (Instruction) 这一步骤主要是针对多项选择而言的,单项选择题的指令可以忽略不看。而在多项选择题中,指令中会提示正确选项的数量。在誊写答题卡的时候,一定要注意多项选择题的题号,一个正确选项占用一个题号。这一点对于初次接触雅思的考生来说要特别引起注意。 二、阅读题干,划出定位词 由于选择题考察细节的特点,故题干中的词往往能够提供定位 三、阅读选项,划出核心词 在寻找正确答案之前,一定要事先通读选项,因为选项提供了对原文正确或者是错误的同义转换。但是由于选项较长,不可能一次性全部记住,所以有必要把选项里的核心词划出来,这样可以减轻记忆负担,并且更加有针对性地做题。 四、找到相关句子段落,摆脱干扰找到答案 这是做题的最后一个步骤,也是最重要的步骤。由于选择项的干扰性往往很强,所以对找到的相关句子或段落一定要进行仔细阅读,排除错误选项。甄别干扰项这一步骤是考生解题的关键,很多考生往往对几个选项犹豫不决,经常跳进题目的陷阱。一般说来,干扰项有如下几个类别: 1、数字陷阱 选择题的特点便是选项进行深度的同义转换。但是如果个别选项中出现了数字,往往意味着这个数字直接来源于文章,没有进行任何同义替换。这种干扰选项对于根本读不懂原文的考生有着致命的诱惑力,因为只有数字是熟悉的,其它的单词都读不懂。数字选项中,数字在文章中都有提及,但经常是通过移花接木的形式出现的,以干扰考生的注意力。 2、相似陷阱 同理,如果题目中出现的个别单词与原文中的用词一模一样,尤其是一些经常被同义替换掉的动词、形容词等,这个选项往往就是干扰选项。 3、偷换概念陷阱 有时候选项中虽然与文中有对应的词,但选项中偷换了关键性的成分(如谓语部分),使得答案错误。 4、搭配不当陷阱 这是最具有诱惑性的选项。这种选项的特点是:选项本身是正确的,但是跟题干却不能形成搭配关系。很多考生看到选项和原文内容相似,甚至还有同义转换,便毫不犹豫地选择了这样的干扰项。 |
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 | 剑8 Test1 Passage3 |
考试趋势分析和备考指导: 从本次考试的题型来看,仍以主流题型为主:判断,配对,选择,摘要题。同时在主流题目中又以配对为主,三篇文章都考到了配对,分别是段落细节配对,人名配观点,句子配对。这也是2012年雅思阅读题型的主要趋势,因此,各位考生在复习备考阅读时要重点练习配对题。除此之外,选择和判断平分秋色,各出现了三次,选择以单选为主。在练习配对题的同时也不能忽视这两种题型。摘要题只出现了一次,意味着填空题的频率较少,建议考生们在备考阅读的填空类题型时重点练习文章摘要题。 从本次考试的话题看,这三篇文章都是旧题,第一篇是08年的,第二第三篇是2010年的,建议后半年参加雅思阅读考试的烤鸭们在练习剑桥雅思真题之余,可以看一下近三年的阅读机经,熟悉话题。 |