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  ×Evaluate the theory…..

  ×Critically evaluate the theory…..

  ×What are the strengths and weaknesses of ….

  ×Present the positive aspects of the topic & theory (strong arguments, evidence that supports it, people that agree with it) and also the negative aspects of the topic & theory (weak arguments, evidence that contradicts it, people that disagree with it)

  ×Compare and contrast Topic A and Topic B

  ×Offer a very brief overview of both topics. Then for the majority of your answer take the two topics or theories and looks for common features and ways in which they are different

  Once you think you understand the question, write a one or two line interpretation in your rough work along the lines of “I think this question is asking……” This is for your benefit, not the examiners. This interpretation is something you can check bank on later on while you're writing your essay. Sometimes people get half way through an answer and forget what it is they are trying to do with the answer. This interpretation can help remind you what it is you're trying to do.

  Another useful thing to do at this point is to write out in bullet points an outline of your answer in your rough work. You should include any relevant names and dates while you can still remember them. It makes a big difference to do your figuring out of which-point goes-where at this stage before you've written anything.

  The end result of all this preparation is a much more impressive way of structuring your essay, giving it a definite direction, an argument. Rather than an aimless meandering around the subject, an essay that picks a target and moves in a straight line will keep the reader on board and make them think about the issues. Introduce the issues and what your argument will be, give evidence for your argument based on research in the area, draw a solid conclusion. This kind of argumentative essay requires clear thinking, preparation, and a concise (non-waffly) writing style. It is not very difficult to cultivate these things, it just takes some time and effort.

  One important point to remember, all this preparation will take time. This gives you less time to spend actually answering the question so you don't want the preparation to take so long it doesn't leave you enough time to actually write the answer. Two things will help keep your preparation time down to an acceptable level (about 5 minutes), these are knowing your topic and practice. Knowing your topic is all about study, the better you know it the quicker you can remember the relevant facts about it. On the other hand practice is just about taking old exam papers and practicing writing an outline of an answer to each of the questions asked. Since interpreting a question and writing an outline only take a few minutes this sort of practice doesn't take very long and you don't have to write that much since it's only an outline. Both of these methods will help reduce your preparation time in the exam itself and will translate into valuable extra answering time and extra marks.