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  Phrase & What is means :

  ×further, furthermore, in addition, also, moreover, next

  The next point is going to be an expansion on the last point

  ×likewise, equally, as well, similarly, on a similar theme

  The next point is similar to the last one, but not exactly the same

  ×but, nevertheless, in contrast, on the other hand, conversely

  The next point is taking the opposite view to the last one.

  ×however, to take a different approach, on a slightly different note

  The next point has nothing to do with the last one


  For content in an essay remember your 3 R's. Relevance, Referencing & Relating back to the question asked.


  Every point made in the essay should be relevant to the essay question as asked. You need to be wary of writing a generic answer that just talks about the topic in general terms but doesn't focus in any way on those points that are most relevant to the question asked. While there will be some general information that you will have to include in your answer (lets call it an 'overview'), the overview should never take up more than a third of your answer.

  You should be careful about including examples from everyday life to illustrate a point. While there is a place for anecdotal evidence (information from personal experience or intuition) in an academic essay, but it should be illustrative only, the argument of the essay should not depend on it. Also, it should be integrated properly into the essay, used in some way to make a point. Don't just tell it because it's a nice story. Lastly use short examples, don't try and pad out an essay with longwinded tales.