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  How do we read text?
  In everyday life we use different strategies or approaches to read different texts. Sometimes we read quickly, skimming for general ideas or scanning for a specific point. Sometimes we read slowly, trying to gain a detailed understanding. How we read depends on the text – its length, its type – and our purpose in reading it.
  What is skimming?
  When we skim a text we read very quickly. We just look at the headings and subheadings and the first lines of each section or paragraph. We also notice the key words that are repeated throughout the text. Our purpose is to understand thegist– the general idea of the text. Skimming is a useful strategy to use throughout IELTS Academic Reading.
  What is scanning?
  When we scan a text we are looking for a specific piece of information or specific words. We ignore information that is not relevant to our purpose. Scanning is a useful strategy to apply when the questions ask for specific factual information. It is also a useful strategy to use to find the section of a text about which a question is asked.
  What is reading for detail?
  When we read for detail we read every word in a text and think carefully about the meaning of every sentence. It is often necessary in IELTS Academic Reading to read a certain section of a text in detail in order to answer a question correctly. Usually a candidate must skim or scan the text first to find the right section and then, having found the relevant section, read for detail.
  IELTS Academic Reading – Task Type 1 – Multiple Choice
  Task Description
  What are candidates required to do?
  Candidates are asked to choose the best answer from four alternatives A, B, C or D, and to write the letter of the answer they have chosen on the Answer Sheet.
  What form. do the questions take?
  They may involve sentence completion – the stem gives the first part of a sentence and candidates choose the best way to complete it from the options. The stem could also be worded as a complete question, with the candidates choosing the option which best answers it.
  Are there any variations of this task type?
  Sometimes there may be more than four alternative answers, and candidates may have to pick more than one correct answer. There may also be a global multiple choice question at the end of the set of questions, for example asking candidates to choose the most suitable title for the reading passage.
  Are the questions in text order?
  The questions are in the same order as the information in the passage: that is, the answer to the first question in this group will be found before the answer to the second question, and so on.
  What text type is this task type used with?
  It may be used with any text type.
  What skills are being assessed?
  Multiple choice items are used to test a wide range of reading skills. They may require the candidate to have a detailed understanding of specific points or an overall understanding of the main points of the text.
  Understanding the Task
  To see examples of this task type please click on the link below.
  Things to consider
  Now look at these questions about how you approached the task and consider your answers.
  Did you read the instructions carefully?
  Did you read the whole passage before you read the questions?
  Did you read the first question and then read the passage carefully from the beginning?
  Did the items occur in order in the passage?
  Did the alternative answers form. a coherent set?
  Did identical words in the question and the passage help you to find the correct answer?
  What skills did you use to complete this task?
  IELTS Academic Reading – Task Type 2 – Short-answer Questions
  Task Description
  What are candidates required to do?
  This task type requires candidates to answer questions about details in the passage. Questions usually relate to factual information. Candidates must write their answers in words or numbers on the Answer Sheet.
  How many words are candidates asked to write?
  Often the instructions will state ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage’, but sometimes ‘ONE word’, or ‘NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS’. Numbers can be written using figures or words.
  Are candidates penalised for writing more than the stated number of words?
  Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct word(s).
  What about contractions or hyphenated words?
  Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.
  What skills are tested in this task type?
  This task type tests candidates’ ability to locate and understand precise information in the passage.
  Are the questions in text order?
  The questions are usually arranged so that the answers appear in order in the passage.
  What text type is this task type used with?
  It is most likely to be used with a passage that contains a lot of factual information and detail.
  Understanding the Task
  To see an example of this task type please click on the link below
  Things to consider
  How would you approach this task type?
  What kind of information do the instructions give you?
  What skills are being tested in this task type?
  How could you help your students to develop these skills?
  IELTS AcademicReading– Task Type 3 – Sentence Completion
  Task Description
  What are candidates required to do?
  There are two variations of this task type.
  Type A: candidates are asked to complete the sentence in a given number of words taken from the passage.
  Type B: candidates are given the first half of a sentence based on the text and asked to complete it from a list of possible options.
  In Type A candidates will be told in the instructions the maximum number of words that they can use to complete the sentence. The instructions for this type usually state ‘NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER’, but sometimes candidates may be asked to write ‘ONE WORD’, or NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS. Numbers can be written as figures or words.
  In Type B candidates will have to choose the best option from a list. Candidates will have more options to choose from than there are questions.
  What text type is used with this task type?
  It may be used with any text type.
  How are candidates asked to write their answers?
  Where candidates are required to supply the words to complete the sentence, the words should be taken directly from the passage and written in the space on their answer sheet as they work through the questions. When choosing an answer from a list of possible answers, candidates should write the letter of their chosen answer on the answer sheet.
  Are candidates penalised for writing more than the required number of words?
  Yes. If candidates write more than the number of words asked for, they will lose the mark even if their answer includes the correct words.