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  What about contractions, or hyphenated words?
  The rules relating to Short-answer Questions also apply here. Contracted words will not be tested. Hyphenated words count as single words.
  Understanding the Task
  To see examples of this task type please click on the link below
  Things to consider
  How would you go about locating the answers?
  When you begin the second question, would you scan from the beginning of the passage?
  Is the structure of the sentence halves useful in joining them together?
  What skills are being tested in this task type?
  IELTS Academic Reading – Task Type 4 – Notes/Table/Summary/Flow-chart Completion
  Task Description
  What are candidates required to do?
  With this task type, candidates are given some type of summary of a section of the passage, and are required to complete it with information drawn from the passage. Note that the summary will usually be of only one part of the passage rather than the whole.
  In what form. is the summary presented?
  The given information may be in the form. of several connected sentences of text (referred to as a summary);
  a table with some of its cells empty (referred to as a table);
  several unconnected notes (referred to as notes) or a series of boxes or steps linked by arrows to show a sequence of events, with some of the boxes or steps empty (referred to as a flow-chart)
  Do the answers occur in order in the passage?
  Not necessarily. However, the answers will usually come from one section rather than the entire passage.
  Are there any variations of this task type?
  Yes, there are two variations. Candidates may be asked either
  to select words from the passage
  to select from a list of answers
  Where words have to be selected from the passage, the instructions will clearly state how many words are required; the number of words will never be more than three. Candidates may also be required to write numbers from the passage. Where a list of answers is provided, they most frequently consist of a single word.
  What text type is most often used with this task type?
  This task type often relates to precise factual information, and so is often used with descriptive texts.
  Understanding the Task
  To see examples of this task type please click on the link below
  Examples of Task Type 4
  To understand better how candidates need to approach this task, it may help you to do the task yourself and analyse what you had to do to find the right answer.
  Look at this Sample Task Type 4. Complete the task, thinking about how you are doing it.
  Things to consider
  Now look at these questions about how you approached the task and consider your answers.
  Did you read the whole passage before you read the questions?
  Did you scan the passage for words needed to allow you to complete the flow-chart?
  Did you read through the flow-chart once you had completed it?
  What skills are being tested in this task type?
  IELTS Academic Reading – Task Type 5 – Labelling a Diagram which has Numbered Parts
  Task Description
  What are candidates required to do?
  In this task type, candidates are required to label numbered parts of a diagram which relates to a description contained in the passage, and to write the correct labels in the spaces on their answer sheet.
  What form. do these labels take?
  The label may consist of up to three words, which will be taken directly from the passage. It might also consist of a combination of words and numbers; if this is the case, it is clearly indicated in the instructions.
  Do the answers occur in order in the passage?
  Not necessarily. However, the answers will usually come from one section rather than the entire passage.
  What sort of diagrams are used in this task type?
  The diagram may be of some type of machine, or of parts of a building or of any other element that can be represented pictorially. The diagram may be partly labelled, in which case candidates are asked to complete the labelling.
  What text type is used with this task type?
  This task type is often used with texts describing processes or with descriptive texts.
  Understanding the Task
  To see an example of this task type please click on the link below
  Example of Task Type 5
  To understand better how candidates need to approach this task, it may help you to do the task yourself and analyse what you had to do to find the right answer.
  Look at this Sample Task Type 5. Complete the task, thinking about how you are doing it.
  Sample Task Type 5 Task (PDF)
  Things to consider
  Now look at these questions about how you approached the task and consider your answers.
  How did you find the section where the information was located?
  How did you begin the task?
  What sort of words are likely to be tested?
  What skills are being tested in this task type?
  和谐英语 和谐英语