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08年9月雅思考试口语part one预测

  3. Your Hometown
  (The questions below might be about your hometown or about the place you are living in now, if it is not your hometown.)
  Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?)
  Do you think you'll always live there?
  Where do you live at the moment?
  Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) (Or: Do you like the place you are living in now?)
  What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown?
  What would you say is the best part of your hometown?
  (Similar to above) What would you say is the best thing about your hometown?
  What's the most famous thing about your hometown?
  Is there anything worth visiting in your hometown?
  (Similar to above) Are there any places that are worth visiting (seeing) in your hometown?
  (Similar to above) Is there anything in your hometown that's good for tourists to see?
  Has your hometown changed much in the past few years? (e.g. 20 years)
  Would you say your hometown is suitablefor children to grow up in?
  What parts of your hometown are most suitable for families and children?
  What's the weather usually like in your hometown?
  Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years?
  4. Gardens (New on May 10)
  Does your family have a garden?
  Do many people in China have their own garden? (Don't forget, about 65% of China's people live in the countryside!)
  If someone has a privategarden in China, do they usually prefer to grow flowers or vegetables? (Why?)
  Have you ever grown anything? (in a garden, or possibly in a flower pot)
  Do Chinese people like growing flowers?
  Do you like growing flowers?
  What benefitsdo people get from gardens (or, from gardening)?
  (Similar to above) Why do some people like gardening?
  5. The Weather
  What's the weather usually like in your hometown?
  Are there any bad points about the weather in your city?
  What weather do you like best? (Why?)
  How does the weather affectyou? (affect your life)
  Do you think the weather can affect a person's mood?
  6. Newspapers
  When did you first start reading newspapers?
  Do you most often read about local news or international news? (Why?)
  What (different) kinds of newspaper are there in China?
  Why do people read newspapers?
  7. Music
  Do you often listen to music?
  What's your favourite type of music?
  (Similar to above) Do you like light music or, what kind of music do you like?
  How do you feel when you listen to this music?
  When did you start listening to this type of music?
  Is music very important to people in China?
  How does music affect (or influence) people?
  What advantages do you think there are for a child to learn (to play) a musical instrument? (= to study music)
  (Similar to above) Why do some parents want their children to learn (to play) a musical instrument?
  8. Housework
  Who usually does the housework in your home?
  Do you often do housework? (If yes, what? How often. If no, why not?)
  What housework do you least like doing?
  Did you do any housework when you were a child?
  Have there been any changes in the housework people do since the time when your parents were your age?
  Do you think it's necessary (or, a good idea) for children to do some housework? (Why?/Why not?)
  Do you think people should be paid to do household chores?
  9. Telephones
  When do you (usually) use a telephone? (= time &/or purpose) (Including a mobile phone = cellphone)
  How often do you make a phone call?
  Do people (in China) (or, do you) prefer to use a mobile phone or a fixed-line phone? (Why?)
  Do you prefer to talk to people by phone or face-to-face? (Why?)
  Do people in China generally prefer to communicate by telephone or by letter? (Why?)
  10. Games (Possible topic)
  Why do you (or do people) play games?
  What are the advantages of playing games?
  11. Clothes
  What types of clothes do you prefer to wear?
  Do you prefer to wear formal clothes or casual clothes? (= leisurewear)
  Do you think it's important what clothes a person wears? (Why?/Why not?)
  Is it important what clothes you wear at your job? (your company)
  Would you like to wear (or, do you like wearing) a uniform?
  Do you think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on others?
  What can we tell about a person from the clothes they wear?
  Do you like shopping for clothes?
  Do you ever wear traditional Chinese clothes? (When?)
  Why do you think traditional clothes are popular (with some kinds of people)?