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08年9月雅思考试口语part one预测

  12. Sport/Exercise
  In the questions below, the word "sport" might be replaced by the word, "exercise" for some questions.
  What kind(s) of physical exercise do you do to keep fit?
  Do you like any sports? (What sport?)
  What sports are most popular with young people today?
  Do you participate in any sports with your friends?
  Have you (or, did you) take part in any organized sport in school?
  Do you think it's important to have P.E. classes (or sports classes) at school? (Why?/Why not?) What are the benefits of exercise (or sport)?
  (Similar to above) Do you think physical activity is important? (Why?/Why not?)
  Are there any sports facilitiesnear where you live? (for the public to use)
  13. Art Galleries and Museums
  Do you like art? (If yes: What are some examples of the art that you like?)
  Do you think art is an important part of life?
  What experience of art did you have when you were younger?
  What kinds of art are you good at?
  (Similar to above) What kind of art are you best at?
  Did you ever go to art galleries or museumswhen you were a child?
  (Similar to above) Have you ever visited an art gallery or museum?
  Do you think people should go to art galleries and museums?
  What effects do music and art galleries have on people (or, people's lives)?
  Do you think people can learn anything from art galleries and museums?
  (Similar to above) What can people learn from art galleries and museums?
  Do you think going to museums and art galleries is beneficialfor children? ( e.g.,for their development)
  Do schools in China have excursions to museums?
  14. Relaxing
  How do you usually relax(in your spare time)? (= What do you usually do to relax/for relaxation?)
  (Similar to above) What do you do in your free time?
  What do other people around you (= other people who you know) like to do in their free time?
  Do you ever go out with your workmates/colleagues or classmates?
  In general, what activities do people in China do for relaxation?
  Do you think relaxing is important for people?
  (Similar to above) Why do people need to have some leisure time?
  Do you think modern people have enough time for relaxing?
  What can people do to find more time for relaxing?
  How important are holidays to you?
  How do people in China spend their holidays?
  Do you think it's important for people to have holidays?
  Do you think it's reasonable for an employer to ask his or her employees to work in their rest time? (休息时间)
  15. The Internet(New on May 10, 2008)
  Do you ever use the internet? (= access the internet = go onto the internet)
  When did you first start using (or first learn to use) the internet?
  How did you learn to use the internet?
  How (or, where) do you go onto the internet?(At school? At home? At an internet cafe?)
  Do you think the internet is a good thing?
  What are the good and bad pointsabout the internet?
  How can people learn things on the internet?
  What sorts of things can people learn on the internet?
  What do you think are the benefits of "e-learning"? (= studying online)
  16. Birthdays(New on May 10)
  Do people in China celebrate birthdays?
  (Similar to above) Are people's birthdays very important in China?
  How do they celebratebirthdays?
  (Similar to above) Do people in China do anything special to celebrate birthdays?
  How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
  What did you do on your last birthday?
  Nowadays, how do young people in China celebrate their birthday?
  Do people in China have birthday parties?
  Do you think it's important for people to celebrate birthdays?
  Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?
  17.Food (New on May 10)
  What's your favourite food?
  How often do you eat that?
  (Similar to above) What sort(s) of food do you like? (Why?)
  Have you always liked that food?
  When did you start to like that food?
  What food did you like (most) when you were a child?
  What types of food do children generallylike to eat?
  Do you know how to make (prepare) a meal?
  (Similar to above) Do you like cooking?
  What do like to cook?
  When you were young, did you learn how to make a meal (= how to prepare food)?
  Have you ever thought about learning how to cook?
  Where do prefer to eat your meals?