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During his western trip, he again acknowledged frustrations with the economy, and a lack of progress on such issues as immigration reform and energy policy.


At the California headquarters of the social media network Facebook, company employee Lauren Hale asked how the president planned to shift the national political debate back to a focus on economic recovery.


"We have seen the conversation shift from that of job creation and economic recovery to that of spending cuts and the deficit. So, we would love to know your thoughts on how you're going to balance these two going forward, or even potentially shift the conversation back," Hal asked.


At a community college in Northern Virginia earlier in the week, Obama urged younger voters not to sit out the 2012 election campaign, warning that if they do, they would be allowing what he called "powerful political interests" to have their way.


"I can't afford to have all of you as bystanders in this debate. I want everybody to be in the game. I want you to hold me accountable, I want you to hold all of Washington accountable. There is a way to solve this deficit problem in an intelligent way that is fair and shares sacrifices so we can share opportunity all across America. But I can't do that if your voices are not heard."


The president's appearances at fundraisers in California drew some of the wealthiest members of his contributing base - business, movie industry executives and stars - easily able to pay the legal maximum for individual campaign donations of $35,800.


At the end of his western trip, addressing a Democratic National Committee rally at SONY Studios in Culver City, he joked that he knew supporters were frustrated and skeptical, and that he too has been frustrated at times.


The president said he hopes his supporters, however, will be excited about the 18 months until the 2012 presidential election, and as he put it, the next four years after that.
