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"Once an adversary is gravely affected or wounded, concerns do not lessen. Actually, concerns become even greater," said Chidambaran.


During the Indian and American secretaries' talks this week, court proceedings were under way in the United States against Tahawwur Rana, a Pakistani and Canadian national accused of links to the Mumbai attacks. Testimony during the trial in Chicago has indicated a link between Pakistan's intelligence service and terrorist acts aimed at India, such as the bombings and shootings in Mumbai.

在美国和印度国土安全官员本周会谈期间,美国对具有巴基斯坦和加拿大双重国籍的恐怖分子嫌疑人塔哈乌尔.拉纳进行法庭审理,他被控和孟买袭击事件有关。在芝加哥的审判中, 有证词指出巴基斯坦情报部门和以印度为目标的恐怖主义袭击有关,比如孟买的爆炸和枪击事件。

The Indian Cabinet official says his nation and the United States are looking at an ambitious range of areas for enhanced cooperation:


"Port, border, and coastal security ... mega-city policing and sharing of information ... illicit finance, illicit smuggling of cash, financial fraud and counterfeiting ... cyber-security and infrastructure protection... capacity building, technology upgradation and modernization," Chidambaran added.


This week's meetings between Napolitano and Chidambaran were aimed at furthering a U.S.-India dialogue on homeland security - a process that President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh launched during their summit talks last November.


Napolitano said Washington will continue its strategic partnership with India. "That strategic partnership is only going to intensify in the months and years to come," Napolitano explained.


The two secretaries say they will meet again next year in Washington to review progress.
