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The United States on Monday sharply increased the number of countries said to be failing to meet minimum international standards in the fight against human trafficking. Lebanon, Venezuela and several African states are among the new countries given failing grades in the State Department’s annual report on trafficking.


Officials here say that despite greater awareness of the problem, human trafficking around the world continues to grow - propelled, in part, by Internet communications being exploited to lure people into sexual slavery and indentured labor.


As a consequence, the State Department expanded from 13 to 23 its list of so-called Tier 3 countries - states that are not seen as making significant efforts to tackle the problem and could be subject to U.S. sanctions.


At a roll-out event for the global report, covering 184 countries and territories, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that as many as 27 million people might be living in slavery. She said that although many countries have anti-trafficking laws, enforcement is lagging.


“The number of prosecutions worldwide has remained relatively static," said Secretary Clinton. "And so the measure of success can no longer be whether a country has passed laws. So many have in the last decade. Now we have to make sure that laws are implemented and that countries are using the tools that have been created for that.”


The report, the 11th issued by the State Department under an anti-trafficking law approved by Congress in 2000, lists several chronic human rights violators as Tier 3 countries - including, Burma, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Zimbabwe.


U.S. Persian Gulf allies Kuwait and Saudi Arabia remain as Tier 3 states, joined for the first time by, among others, six African states, Lebanon, Turkmenistan, Venezuela and Micronesia.


Of 13 countries listed last year, only one - the Dominican Republic - was removed from Tier 3 for 2011 because of anti-trafficking progress.


The only penalty authorized under U.S. law is the withholding of non-humanitarian aid, and that has been used sparingly.


Clinton said the point of the rating exercise is to encourage countries to respond.
