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Pakistani officials are denying allegations by Afghan President Hamid Karzai that the Pakistani military is routinely firing artillery into on Afghanistan.


Pakistani officials deny Karzai allegations

Pakistani military officials say that they are not intentionally firing into Afghan territory, but some munitions may have crossed the border as the Pakistani army chased militants into Afghanistan.


Army Spokesman General Athar Abbas says there is no telling if those shots landed on Afghan territory, but says Pakistan has been pursuing militants using that territory to repeatedly attack Pakistani border posts.


"Militants have been attacking our check posts. And a number of incidents, about five major engagements. So maybe when the militants were escaping back to the border, in engaging them a few rounds would have accidently gone across. That possibility cannot be ruled out," Abbas stated.


Long accused of allowing safe havens on its side of the border, Pakistan in recent weeks has begun reversing the accusations and saying that as NATO forces withdraw from Afghan territory it leaves a security vacuum that anti-Pakistani government militants are using to launch cross-border attacks.

巴基斯坦长期以来被指在其边境地区为恐怖分子 提供安全庇护所。而最近几个星期巴基斯坦反过来指控说北约部队从阿富汗领土撤离,让当地形成了安全空白,给反巴基斯坦政府的武装人员以跨越边境攻击的可乘之机。