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“The report itself is a tool and what we’re most interested in is working with countries around the world and working across our own government to get results," she said. "The decade of delivery is upon us.”


At Clinton’s insistence, the report for the second year in a row assessed human trafficking in the United States, which, like most advanced economies, is placed in Tier 1 with effective laws and enforcement efforts.


But it says the United States remains a source, transit and destination county for men, women and children subjected to forced labor, debt bondage and sex trafficking. It says human traffickers have exploited U.S. visa programs that allow in temporary workers, ostensibly for working in landscaping, farming and tourism industries.


The State Department event honored 10 activists from around the world as heroes, among them Antigua and Barbuda women’s rights advocate Sheila Roseau.


Roseau helped push an anti-trafficking law through the Caribbean country’s legislature last year, which she said is only the starting point in tackling the problem.


“As we recognize the tremendous efforts taken, let us ensure that we continue to advocate for effective support for survivors," said Roseau. "We must continue to be vigilant in all efforts to combat human trafficking by securing the support of our governments to action, the legislative frameworks developed or enact the appropriate legislation if it’s not already in place.”


The report listed six countries as violators of a 2008 U.S. law against the use of child soldiers - Burma, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.


All but Burma receive some U.S. military aid or training. The monitoring group Human Rights Watch called on the Obama administration to end that aid as provided for under the law.
