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肯尼亚遭遇干旱 科学家研究降雨

The question is whether such a tactic can help bring rain to drought affected areas.


Ambenje is doubtful. "All that that does is to enhance rainfall probably during the rainfall season," he said. "You know, for you to generate rainfall, there are a number of factors that you have to look at, moisture availability and so on and so forth. So during a drought you may not be able to enhance rain in the cloud system."


Without some moisture already in the system, and without the right clouds to seed, there is little that scientists can do to induce rain.


Still, the Kenyan government is going ahead with the project, which is part of the country's Vision 2030 initiative - a long-term plan to foster Kenya's development in the coming decades.


And while it may be little help this year, creating better weather conditions for farmers and maintaining water supplies for cattle, could help the country better prepare for future food emergencies.
