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U.S. President Barack Obama is warning that the impact of Tropical Storm Irene is just beginning to be felt. Nearly 20 lives have been lost, and property damage has been estimated in the billions of dollars. The president spoke Sunday as the former hurricane moved through the Northeastern United States toward Canada.


Although Irene has weakened and left some of America’s biggest cities, President Obama cautioned that the U.S. East Coast will continue to feel its effects.


“Many Americans are still at serious risk of power outages and flooding, which could get worse in the coming days as rivers swell past their banks," he said. "So I want people to understand that this is not over.”


The president spoke in the White House Rose Garden, with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Craig Fugate at his side.


They and other national and state government officials have been briefing Mr. Obama about the storm for several days. The president returned to Washington on Friday night from his vacation in Massachusetts, about a half-day earlier than scheduled.


President Obama urged patience, noting that assessing and repairing the damage from Irene will take time.
