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After a year and a half, six crew members are now free from an isolation module in Moscow. The members were kept away from the world in an attempt to simulate the effects of a return voyage to Mars.


A Russian official broke the red seal on the space capsule allowing the first weary, pale, crew member to emerge into the real world.


Wearing a blue jumpsuit and blinking, Commander Alexei Sityov appeared a little wobbly, but smiling as he addressed a press conference, saying that the "international crew has completed the 520-day mission."


Sityov said, "The program has been fully carried out. All the crew members are in good health."


Columbian-Italian crew member Diego Urbina, who wants to eventually work in space research, couldn’t stop smiling as he addressed the crowd.


"It’s been an honor to have been part of this remarkable achievement, five of the most professional, friendly and resilient individuals that I have worked with," said Urbina."I will be forever thankful for all of those who stood close to me during this long odyssey."


Chinese crewmember Wand Yue seemed more than relieved to be set free, saying only that "after 520 days, we are finally back."


Participants were locked away in the makeshift space capsule with no windows for almost one and a half years; their only contact with the outside world was through e-mail.


The capsule included medical, sleeping, landing, storage and surface modules with a total interior space of only 550 cubic meters.


All of the capsules, except for one, were used for living and working. The interior was decorated with wood paneling, furniture and rugs in an attempt to make the experience more like home.


There was even one module that was meant to appear just like the red planet, complete with rocks, and sand. This is where the volunteers performed space walks.
