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Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich hopes for a rebound with a victory in his home state of Georgia, but for the moment Santorum has largely eclipsed him as the leading conservative alternative to Romney.


Texas Congressman Ron Paul is hoping for a breakthrough in some of the smaller states voting on Tuesday like Idaho, Alaska and North Dakota.


Political strategist Matthew Dowd told ABC’s "Good Morning America" that Romney has an opportunity on Tuesday to solidify his status as the leading Republican contender.


“First, he has got to win conservative votes. Second, he has got to put together a winning streak, and the third thing is he has got to be able to unite the party behind a positive message,” he said.


Both Romney and Santorum are focused on economic issues, especially in the key primary showdown in Ohio.


“Ohio voters are similar to Michigan voters in that they were hit very badly by the economy, and manufacturing jobs are key," said Jennifer Lawless, a political expert at American University in Washington. "If a candidate is not compelling on the economy, that candidate is not going to do well.”

Most analysts expect a split decision on Tuesday with Romney, Santorum and perhaps Gingrich emerging with some victories in the 10 states voting.


Romney leads in the delegate count at the moment with more than 160 delegates supporting him, but it takes a total of 1,144 to secure the Republican nomination, meaning the Republican race is likely to go on well after Super Tuesday.
