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The World Health Organization is calling for urgent action to make sure all people reach old age in the best possible health. To mark this year’s World Health Day, WHO says good health is essential for maintaining a good quality of life as people get older in this rapidly aging world.


The pulsating beat of the music does not just get the hearts of young people pumping with joy. Older people too get caught up in the rhythmic beat. This video produced for World Health Day presents a montage of elderly people throughout the world engaged in activities that would exhaust many a younger person. Particularly impressive is the image of a 100-year-old man finishing a marathon.


“We really need to change our thinking about people in the over-60 age group in radical ways,” said Director-General of the World Health Organization Margaret Chan. She says so many people now are living to an advanced age that a birth date alone is no longer a measure of old age.


“Within the next five years, for the first time in history, the population of people aged 65 and older will outnumber children under the age of five. In other words, being in the older age group is becoming the new normal for the world’s population and I am very proud to be qualified for the new normal,” she said.


Contrary to common perceptions, the WHO reports by 2050, 80 percent of the world’s older people will be living in low-and middle-income countries - not in the wealthier nations. And, a new analysis shows the key reasons for ill health in older people are from non-communicable diseases.


The U.N. health agency says even in the poorest countries, elderly people are not dying from infectious diseases or gastroenteritis. Rather, they are dying from heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and chronic lung disease.
