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Director of the WHO Aging and Life Course, John Beard, says adopting healthy behaviors can significantly reduce the risk of developing all non-communicable diseases. He says being physically active, eating a healthy diet, avoiding the harmful use of alcohol and not smoking can better the chances of enjoying a healthy old age.


He says it is also important for society to change its attitude toward aging. He says it is wrong to focus on aging as a problem. It is wrong to regard older people as a burden.


“At WHO, we see it somewhat differently," said Beard. "We see older people as a resource. We see them as a resource for their family, for their community, for society as a whole. And the key to liberating that resource is good health and it is something which we have neglected in the past and we need to make sure that the older populations which we are going to share this planet within the future and which all of us will be part of - that as far as possible, we enjoy the best possible health because that makes everything possible.”


The World Health Organization recommends several key actions to strengthen healthy and active aging. It urges governments to promote good healthy behaviors throughout life and to provide basic primary health care to detect chronic diseases early so they can be treated.


WHO says physical and social environments should be created in which old people can thrive. And it calls on governments to change social attitudes toward the elderly so they are respected and valued.
