Middle East analyst James Denselow of King's College London says that Iraq remains politically unstable, leaving the door open to a rash of politically motivated violence:
“Iraq today is recovering from a civil war but still has a very weak political system [and] finds it impossible to process difficult decisions and therefore violence on the street is a by-product of that inability," he said. "So, you have the political elites feuding and you have bombs and assassinations as another means of conducting politics in the country.”
他说:“伊拉克正在从内战中逐步恢复,但是政治体制仍然脆弱,因此不太可能处理困难的决定, 街上出现的暴力袭击就是这种体制能力不足的副产品。政治精英之间的仇恨,反映在伊拉克就是用炸弹和暗杀 作为推行政治的一种手段。”
Heightened tension between Shi'ites, Sunnis and Kurds in the coalition government since U.S. troops withdrew in December has raised fears of a return to sectarian strife. Bombings and killings happen daily in Iraq, often aimed at Shi'ite areas and local security forces.
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