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The strategically critical U.S.-Turkey relationship is coming under increasing strain as authorities in Ankara crack down on alleged coup plotters and sympathizers.

Washington is caught between expressing alarm about increasingly authoritarian measures being taken under Turkey's state of emergency and showing support for a democratically elected government that fought off a military putsch.

A further source of irritation is persistent rumors in Turkey that the United States played a role in the attempted coup, something State Department spokesman John Kirby characterized on Thursday as “ludicrous.”

Turkey's government has ordered more than 130 media outlets - TV channels, radio stations, newspapers and news agencies - to close, and approximately 90 journalists have either been arrested or ordered detained.

“We're obviously deeply concerned,” said Kirby, who continued to stress that “Turkey matters to us as a friend and ally, and their democracy matters to us.”

About 1,700 military personnel have been dismissed, including 150 generals and admirals suspected of ties to the unsuccessful putsch.

Ankara is a critical American ally in the fight against the so-called Islamic State group operating in Iraq and Syria, both of which border Turkey, a NATO member.