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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may scale back its current recommendation to close for up to 14 days any schools attended by, or in areas near, a child who tests positive for the new H1N1 virus as growing evidence suggests most cases of the disease are relatively mild.
随着越来越多的证据表明,大多数情况下,这种流感的症状都比较轻微,因此对于有学生在甲型H1N1流感测试中呈现阳性的学校或附近地区的学校,美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)可能放松目前要求关闭至多14天的建议。

The CDC is in 'active discussions' to revise its interim guidance to schools in order to minimize disruptions in learning while still protecting communities from spread of the disease, Richard Besser, the Atlanta agency's acting director, said Monday.
亚特兰大疾病控制与预防中心代理主任贝瑟(Richard Besser)周一说,该中心正在积极讨论修改对学校采取的临时指导意见,以将对学习的影响降至最低,同时保护社区免受流感的传染。

It isn't clear when any revisions to the guidance might be made, though current CDC guidelines say guidance will be updated by May 8.

The discussions underscore how public-health officials are trying to measure their response to the course of the disease, which looked fearsome a week ago as initial reports from Mexico suggested it caused a large number of deaths. Now, studies in Mexico and evidence in the U.S. both suggest most cases are mild, although officials caution that could change as the virus makes its way through the population or if it re-emerges in a more virulent form next flu season. The spread of the virus to the Southern Hemisphere is particularly concerning, officials said Monday, because flu season is just getting under way there.