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The virus has now stretched to 21 countries, sickening 1,085 people and causing 25 deaths in Mexico and one in the U.S. Ireland, Costa Rica and El Salvador are now among the nations reporting laboratory-confirmed cases.

Mexico City, brought almost to a halt for the past 12 days, will start getting back to business -- but slowly -- on Wednesday, as the number of new cases of influenza declines. 'The evolution of the epidemic is now on its descending phase,' said Jose Angel Cordova, Mexico's health minister.
墨西哥城在过去12天几乎陷于了瘫痪,但随着新发病人数的下降,这座城市周三也将逐步开始恢复正常。墨西哥卫生部长科尔多瓦(Jose Angel Cordova)说,疫情的发展目前正处于消退阶段。

The Mexican megalopolis of more than 20 million people will reopen bars, restaurants and city government offices on Wednesday, with museums, churches and convention centers scheduled to reopen the following day. But movie houses, nightclubs, theaters and sports stadiums will remain closed. High schools and universities throughout Mexico will reopen Thursday, but elementary schools will remain closed until May 11.