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On September 17, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a regular press conference and answered questions on the relations between China and other countries including the U.S., Japan, North Korea and African countries and etc.

Jiang Yu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Now, the floor is open.

Q: According to the 2009 National Intelligence Strategy Report released by US intelligence, China, Russia, Iran and the DPRK are among countries that challenge US interests. Will this report impair the relations between the US and these countries?

A: You may not take note that we made our official response to the report yesterday. Adhering to peaceful development and as a staunch force safeguarding and promoting world peace and stability, China will not pose a threat to any country in its development. We urge the US to abandon Cold War mentality and prejudices, correct mistakes in the report and stop making remarks that mislead the US public and undermine mutual trust between China and the US.

Q: Could you update us on the China-Japan-ROK Leaders' Meeting? Has the date been fixed? My second question, could you give us more details about the visit paid by special envoy Dai Bingguo of President Hu Jintao to the DPRK? We are aware that he met with DPRK First Vice Foreign Minsiter Kang Sok Chu yesterday, will he meet more DPRK leaders of higher ranks?

A: I understand your interest in the date and venue of the China-Japan-ROK Leaders' Meeting, and relevant information will be released in due course.

On your second question, this year marks the 60th anniversary of China-DPRK diplomatic ties as well as the Year of Friendship between the two countries. During State Councillor Dai Bingguo's visit, he will exchange in-depth views with the DPRK on bilateral relations and the situation on the Peninsula. As the trip is still ongoing, I suggest you follow the information released by the delegation.