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Mr. Secretary, as we meet here today, the good news is that after too many years of inaction and denial, there's finally widespread recognition of the urgency of the challenge before us. We know what needs to be done.  We know that our planet's future depends on a global commitment to permanently reduce greenhouse gas pollution.  We know that if we put the right rules and incentives in place, we will unleash the creative power of our best scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs to build a better world.  And so many nations have already taken the first step on the journey towards that goal.


But the journey is long and the journey is hard.  And we don't have much time left to make that journey.  It's a journey that will require each of us to persevere through setbacks, and fight for every inch of progress, even when it comes in fits and starts.  So let us begin.  For if we are flexible and pragmatic, if we can resolve to work tirelessly in common effort, then we will achieve our common purpose:  a world that is safer, cleaner, and healthier than the one we found; and a future that is worthy of our children.

但这条路不仅漫长,这条路也十分艰辛。为了奔赴征程,我们剩余的时间已经不多。在这条征途上,我们每一个人都需要在遇到挫折的时候毫不气馁,为取得任何一点进展—— 即使是零零星星的进展——而努力奋进。因此让我们现在就开始。因为如果我们既灵活变通又脚踏实地,如果我们坚持不懈共同努力,我们就能实现我们共同的目标:一个比我们现在看到的更安全、更清洁和更健康的世界;一个无愧于我们子孙后代的未来。

Thank you very much.
