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Dear Colleagues,


China attaches great importance to comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development. We have mainly relied on expanding domestic demand, especially consumer demand in mitigating the impact of the international financial crisis. We have taken active steps to adjust the domestic and overseas demand structure and the investment and consumption structure, and strike the right balance among the speed, structure, quality and efficiency of economic growth. In the wake of the international financial crisis, China has adopted a host of policy measures to boost domestic demand, adjust economic structure, promote growth and improve people's well-being. These measures have produced initial results. In the first half of this year, despite the drastic contraction in overseas demand, China's GDP managed to grow by 7.1% year on year. This shows that our policy to stimulate growth by boosting domestic demand is effective. And China's economic growth has contributed to the global economic recovery.


For years, China has taken an active part in international development cooperation. We have been actively engaged in the international cooperation to tackle the financial crisis ever since it broke out, despite the enormous difficulties and grave challenges confronting us. We will follow through on our assistance pledges and measures in a responsible manner, and offer more help to developing countries, particularly the least developed countries in Africa, within the realm of our capabilities.


Dear Colleagues,


The G20 has held three summits in less than a year. These meetings have produced positive results. I am confident that with the concerted efforts of the entire international community, we will prevail over this international financial crisis and usher in a more prosperous future for the world economy.


Thank you.