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2009年10月9日 胡锦涛
Address by President Hu Jintao At the Opening Ceremony of the World Media Summit
9 October 2009   

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

On this beautiful and crisp autumn day, media leaders from around the world are gathered in Beijing for the World Media Summit. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese Government and people, sincere congratulations on the opening of the summit and a warm welcome to all the friends present.

At a time of fast economic and social development, rapid scientific and technological progress and easier information transmission and access, the world's media industry is undergoing profound changes like never before and media organizations are playing a more important role in our lives. The theme of this summit - "Cooperation, Action, Win-Win and Development" - not only reflects concern about the challenges facing development of the global media industry, but also demonstrates the desire of media organizations to strengthen exchanges and cooperation for common development as well as the determination of media professionals to promote world peace and development. I am certain that in-depth and wide-ranging discussions on this theme will lead to stronger cooperation among media organizations across the world, promote healthy and orderly development of the global media industry, and help deepen mutual understanding and friendship among the people of the world.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We live in a world that is undergoing major development, major changes and major adjustments. As world multi-polarity and economic globalization gather momentum, global exchanges of ideas and cultures are becoming more frequent and dynamic. Openness, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win progress have become the common pursuit of the international community as countries are more closely interconnected than before. On the other hand, however, the global financial crisis continues to affect our lives. Imbalance in development has been thrown into sharp relief. Climate change, food security, energy and resource security and other global issues have become more pronounced. Terrorism, transnational organized crime, major infectious diseases and other non-traditional security threats continue to exist. Local conflicts and hot-spot issues have kept flaring up, and uncertainties and destabilizing factors are mounting. All this presents multiple challenges to world peace and development.

In the face of uNPRecedented opportunities and challenges, media organizations around the world should embrace the trend of our times, join hands and contribute to building a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.

First, media organizations should make full use of their specialties and advantages and spread the message of peace, development, cooperation, win-win and tolerance. All types of media organizations should dedicate themselves to the lofty cause of peace and development of mankind. They should encourage all countries to respect one another politically and hold consultations on an equal footing, carry out economic cooperation to draw on one another's strength, learn from one another through cultural exchanges and seek common ground while putting aside differences, increase mutual trust and cooperation in security affairs, and help and coordinate with one another in environmental protection, so as to jointly create a better future for mankind. As we meet here, countries across the world are still battling the impact of the global financial crisis. The world's media should make in-depth coverage of the concerted action taken by the international community to overcome difficulties and the positive effects of these measures. In so doing, the media can contribute their share to the recovery of the world economy and its healthy and stable development.

Second, media organizations should uphold the ideas of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit and common development, and conduct more effective exchanges and cooperation. All types of media organizations, regardless of their cultural background, capability or size, should respect and trust one another as equals, seek common ground while shelving differences, and learn from one another through exchanges. They should take into full consideration each other's actual conditions, address each other's concerns through consultation, accommodate each other's interests and cooperate even as they compete with one another. They should take advantage of their complementarity, help each other and realize common interests. They should share best practice, create a more enabling environment for development, work together to deal with challenges and seek common development.