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Remarks at Pearl River Delta International Forum on Innovation and Intellectual Property
by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke
Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
广州 香格里拉酒店
Good morning.

Thank you Ambassador Huntsman.

This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. In the last few decades, hundreds of millions of Chinese have joined the global middle class as China has become a destination for capital, for ideas and for innovation.

And one of the best illustrations of this transformation is China's burgeoning trade relationship with the United States. We are one another's second-biggest trading partners.  In the past 20 years, U.S. exports to China have increased by a factor of 12; while U.S. imports from China have increased almost 30-fold. The pace of change right here in Guangdong Province is a most striking illustration of this.

Thirty years ago, Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping chose a small fishing village not far from here as China’s first Special Economic Zone. Today, that village makes up Shenzhen, which boasts a population of 14 million people and is one of China’s most dynamic cities.

The Pearl River Delta is now a thriving example of market principles at work.
There are more than 100,000 factories that make every type of product imaginable – from iPhones and flat screen TVs to cell phones and high fashion apparel.

But we also know that the Chinese economy is increasingly moving up the global economic value chain, where growth is created not just by the power of a country’s industrial might, but also by the power of their ideas and their inventions. The next critical step is for China to develop more homegrown entrepreneurs that sell high-value and high-tech products here in China and around the world.

If China, and in particular Guangdong Province, is going to make this transition, it will have to create a system of laws and a regulatory infrastructure that rewards and protects those who take risks to develop new innovations. And a cornerstone of that effort must be a rigorously enforced intellectual property regime. If innovators fear that their inventions or ideas will be stolen, then one of two things will happen – they’ll either stop inventing, or they’ll decide to create their inventions elsewhere. Here in Guangdong Province, this issue is particularly relevant. Last year, firms based in Guangdong Province obtained more patents than firms based in any other single Chinese province. Guangdong Province has the potential to be China’s epicenter of innovation.   And the stronger intellectual property laws and enforcement are, the greater the incentive for domestic and foreign innovators to create their products right here.

In the past few years, China has taken several steps to protect the IP of American and other foreign companies operating within its borders.
For example:
The Guangdong Intellectual Property Office settled 198 of the 199 patent-related complaints it received.
There were nearly 2,500 trademark infringement cases of overseas rights holders in China last year, a 35 percent increase over 2007.

But despite these steps, American companies in fields as diverse as technology, entertainment and pharmaceuticals still lose billions every year in China from intellectual property theft.

In short, much more needs to be done. Strongly worded IP laws are only as valuable as the civil and criminal penalties people face for breaking them – and China’s enforcement of IP laws is often uneven. For example, the U.S. government has received reports of occasional aggressive intellectual property law enforcement in Shenzhen, while receiving consistent reports of very lax enforcement elsewhere, including, unfortunately, right here in Guangdong. For this reason, the U.S. Department of Commerce as well as other arms of our government seeks to expand our work with our Chinese counterparts on enforcement efforts.
简而言之,需要做的事情还很多。措词严厉的知识产权法律,只有通过人们在违法后所面临的民事和刑事惩罚的严厉程度才能体现出来。而中国知识产权法律的执法道路并不平坦。例如,美国政府很高兴曾经收到过关于深圳在知识产权方面积极执法的报告,同时也很遗憾地经常收到关于其它地方, 如广东,执法非常松懈的报告。正因为如此,美国商务部及美国其它政府部门希望扩大我们与中国在执法方面的相应部门之间的合作。