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The United States and China have already taken a series of steps to ramp up awareness and promotion of intellectual property protection.
In the past 12 months, the United States Patent and Trademark Office signed three Memorandums of Understanding with its Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation on intellectual property issues.
Last December, PTO officials stationed in Guangzhou participated with China Customs officials from Guangdong Province in a training program on how to identify counterfeit goods.
And in April, PTO Guangzhou and the State Intellectual Property Office jointly organized a program on patent filing and enforcement in Shenzhen.

Our outreach not only includes the Chinese government but the academic and private sectors as well. The PTO has forged ties with universities whose professors and students are vital to changing attitudes about condoning the purchase and use of counterfeit and pirated products. And we would like to see a firm directive from the Central Government to state-run libraries and academic institutions to dissuade these libraries from facilitating illegal reproduction and distribution of electronic journals through the Internet. In a few hours, I’m going to speak with students and faculty at Jinan University. Like their American counterparts, many students at Jinan University don’t realize how soon they’re going to be out in the workforce as employees or as entrepreneurs. And a few years from now, they too will count on a system that rewards those who create products and services that help citizens around the world lead healthier, wealthier and more productive lives.

I know that building an effective patent and trademark system is not easy -- because over 200 years after its founding, the United States is still working to perfect its own. Only a few years after the American Revolution, our third president Thomas Jefferson helped create the U.S. patent office because he understood two fundamental truths.  He knew:
? That long term economic growth was dependent on a continuous flow of new technologies and new ideas entering the marketplace;
? But he also knew that without a promise of ownership protection for these ideas, innovators would never be willing to take risks to improve upon the status quo.
Although the United States continues efforts to reform our own patent system to reflect the rapid changes in the global economy, the necessity of having robust patent and trademark protections is not a matter of serious debate.  
? 长期的经济增长有赖于新科技和新创意不断流入市场;
? 但他也知道,如果缺乏为这些创意提供所有权保护的承诺,创新人才就不愿冒着风险来改进现状。

And I hope this sentiment will start to take deeper root in China. Because at stake is not just the fate of our future economic growth -- but possibly the fate of our planet.

This summer, I came to China with U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu, to explore avenues for clean energy cooperation.  While here, I said that the prospect of climate change presented both a great challenge and a great opportunity.The challenge of course, is that if nations around the world don't start using less fossil fuels, we’ll all suffer from the environmental damage that the world's top scientists believe is undoubtedly in store. But if we can somehow avoid this fate with new technological solutions to use energy more cleanly and efficiently, we will have discovered one of the greatest avenues for economic growth of the 21st century. Seizing this opportunity will surely require robust government action, and I want to commend the Chinese government for its foresight in this area. China has already adopted the most aggressive energy efficiency program in the entire world, and it is on track to exceed many of its renewable energy adoption goals.