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But meeting a challenge as big as climate change will require more than just enlightened public policy. It will also require a wave of private sector innovation every bit as immense as those that accompanied the industrial revolution and the onset of the computer and Internet age. In today's global economy -- where ideas are just as likely to be discovered in San Francisco as Shanghai – we need to do everything we can to incentivize and empower the brightest minds we have to solve climate change. And that means we need to create the right protections for ideas.

When Bill Gates quit college to begin his path towards starting Microsoft, he had no guarantee of success. But he kept moving forward, because he hoped that someday, all his hard work just might result in the creation of something special that he could call his own. And because Bill Gates received IP protection for his ideas, millions of people around the world have benefited. Somewhere in the world, is the Bill Gates of clean energy, and we need to make sure he or she has similar protection.

So, what is the path forward? While China has made strides in its intellectual property protection, more can and should be done to both entice U.S. companies to invest here and to encourage homegrown Chinese entrepreneurship. For instance, the elimination of overlapping jurisdictions between different Chinese agencies would help streamline the remedy process.  This change would benefit both Chinese and American copyright holders.

Additionally, there is room for improvement with regard to enforcement matters. Consistent application of the law to intellectual property infringement and misappropriation cases would foster more certainty among users of the legal system. And seeking criminal penalties more frequently for intellectual property and trademark infringement violations would add an important level of deterrence.  Today, 99% of copyright and trademark counterfeiting cases are enforced administratively, rather than criminally. So long as the cost of breaking the law is low, illegal behavior will thrive.  But when laws are enforced at all levels of government, including the local levels, the incidence of bad behavior will sharply decline.

These are significant issues, and there are others as well – and yet I am confident that the United States and China have enough mutual trust to honestly and forthrightly exchange our concerns. As two of the world's leading nations, the United States and China have the power and the obligation to alter history for the betterment of our people and the world. Our strength is derived from many sources, but most of all, we owe our success to the ingenuity, intellect and creativity of our people.

The intellectual property reforms I have discussed today are an important step toward helping all our people reach their full potential and solve the problems that challenge us all.

Thank you so much for having me here.