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I now would like to invite Vice Governor Tian Chengzhong of Hubei to make remarks.


(Vice Governor Tian’s remarks-5 minutes with consecutive interpretation)


I now invite AmChamChina Chairman Jim Zimmerman to make remarks.


(Chaiman Zimmerman’s remarks-5 minutes with consecutive interpretation)


Now let’s us toast the July 4th and long live friendships!


(Toast) (祝酒)

Next, I would like to introduce Ms. Chen Xiaozhou, a talented student at Hunan Women’s University to be the host for the next segment of the reception-University Musical and Dance Performances. Four universities are involved in this segment of the reception.  Hunan Women’s University represents equal rights, Jianghan University represents the host city, Hubei University represents the host province, and South Central China University for Nationalities represents racial diversity.  Let’s enjoy their talents and wishes.


We now conclude the ceremony.  Let’s enjoy the buffet provided by Holiday Inn and drinks donated by American business community.  Let’s admire the art exhibition, enjoy jazz and Chinese music, and cherish each other’s company.   Thank you! 

现在我们结束典礼的部分。请大家就餐,享受假日酒店的精彩厨艺, 美国商界捐赠的红酒,啤酒和饮料。同时欣赏艺术,爵士乐,中国民乐,尽情交流。 谢谢!