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Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,


Egypt was the first African country to enter into diplomatic relations with the People' s Republic of China. The establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Egypt 53 years ago opened a new era in China-Africa relations. Today, Egypt is playing host to the 4th FOCAC Ministerial Conference, which will mark a new starting point in China-Africa relations. There is an African proverb which says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." There is also a Chinese saying that goes, "As distance can test a horse's strength, so time can reveal a person's heart." I am convinced that as long as China and Africa go hand in hand with an enterprising spirit and cooperate on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, we will seize opportunities and overcome challenges to take the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership to a new level, and make China-Africa friendship and cooperation even more fruitful.


In conclusion, I wish the 4th FOCAC Ministerial Conference a crowning success!