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President Hamid Karzai,
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
Dear Colleagues,


I am delighted to join you here in Kabul on the occasion of the international conference on Afghanistan. Our meeting today is of special significance, as it is the first such meeting held on Afghan soil. It gives full expression to the strong support of the international community for the Afghan government and people and the unwavering confidence in Afghanistan's reconstruction process. I wish the conference a full success.

各位同事,Dear Colleagues,


Last January, we gathered in London to reaffirm our shared commitment to a stable, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan. Since then, under the leadership of the Afghan government and with the hard work of the Afghan people, Afghanistan has made encouraging progress in political reconciliation, economic reconstruction and improvement of the security situation. There are, however, still many difficulties and challenges facing this country today. The international community must give continued attention to Afghanistan and follow through on the commitments made in London and the previous international conferences on Afghanistan. We should respect Afghanistan's sovereignty and work together towards the early realization of "Afghanistan run by the Afghans". We want to see a peaceful, stable and independent Afghanistan that enjoys development and good-neighborliness. To this end, I wish to make the following four proposals:

第一,     要确保安全稳定。改善安全环境、确保国内稳定仍是解决阿富汗问题的基本前提与当务之急。国际社会应继续坚定地致力于实现阿富汗的持久安全与稳定,在此过程中,应采取综合办法,标本兼治,重在争取阿富汗民心。与此同时,有关各方应加大力度,帮助阿富汗加强国家层面的安全治理能力建设,使其能够逐步切实承担起维护和平与稳定的重任。

First, ensure security and stability. This remains the essential precondition and most pressing challenge in addressing the issue of Afghanistan. The international community should remain committed to bringing enduring security and stability to Afghanistan. In doing so, we should adopt a multi-pronged approach that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of the problem. And it is most important to win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. In the meantime, the parties concerned need to redouble their efforts to help Afghanistan build its capacity for ensuring security at the national level so that it can gradually take over the important responsibility of safeguarding peace and stability

第二,     要实现政治和解。我们欢迎阿富汗和平支尔格大会就民族和解达成的重要共识,呼吁国际社会积极支持阿富汗实施“和解与再融合”计划,并尊重阿富汗政府和人民在该进程中的主导权。历史证明,只有有关各方通过对话与协商,达成相互谅解,才能真正在阿实现和解与稳定。我们支持阿富汗政府继续打击腐败,赞赏阿富汗政府提高治理水平的决心和努力,鼓励国际社会继续在能力建设和人力资源开发等领域向阿提供帮助。

Second, achieve political reconciliation. We welcome the important consensus reached at the Peace Jirga on national reconciliation. We call on the international community to actively support the reconciliation and reintegration plan and respect the lead role of the Afghan government and people in this process. History shows that reconciliation and stability can only take hold in Afghanistan when the relevant parties reach mutual understanding through dialogue and consultation. We support the continued commitment of the Afghan government to fighting corruption and commend its resolve and effort to improve governance. We encourage the international community to provide more help to Afghanistan in capacity-building and human resources development.

第三,     要抓紧经济重建。我们欢迎阿富汗政府制定国家优先发展重大项目计划,希望国际社会加大对该计划的支持力度,切实履行伦敦会议关于今后两年内发展援助50%由阿富汗政府实施的承诺。我们主张国际社会更加重视帮助阿富汗开展各项能力建设,增强阿政府和人民建设一个稳定、发展和繁荣的阿富汗的能力。我们呼吁国际社会将援助重点放在基础设施建设等让普通民众直接受益的民生项目,特别呼吁国际社会支持阿富汗政府的禁毒努力,帮助其早日全面实现毒品替代种植。

Third, speed up economic reconstruction. We welcome the Prioritization and Implementation Plan for the Afghanistan National Development Strategy adopted by the Afghan government. We hope the international community will scale up support to this plan and honor in good faith the commitment made at the London conference to increase the proportion of development aid delivered through the Afghan government to 50% in the next two years. We believe the international community should attach greater importance to helping Afghanistan in its capacity-building in various areas to enhance the capabilities of the Afghan government and people in building a stable, prosperous and ever-developing Afghanistan. We call on the international community to channel more assistance to infrastructure and other projects that will bring immediate benefit to ordinary Afghans. And we urge the international community to support the Afghan government's counter-narcotics efforts and help it extend the alternative crop program nationwide at an early date.