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第四,     要加强国际合作。阿富汗的重建进程离不开国际社会的协调配合与通力合作。我们支持联合国在协调国际社会援助阿富汗的努力中继续发挥主导作用,支持联合国进一步作出努力,提高国际社会援助的效率、加强援助的效果。区域合作长期以来为帮助阿重建进程发挥了积极作用。我们主张进一步加强区域合作与国际合作之间的相互协调,推动形成两者相互补充、相互促进的良性互动。

Fourth, enhance international cooperation. Effective international cooperation and coordination is crucial to the Afghan reconstruction process. We support the United Nations in continuing to play a lead role in coordinating international assistance to Afghanistan and in taking greater steps to make the assistance more efficient and effective. Regional cooperation has long played a positive part in facilitating the reconstruction process. We believe that it is important to enhance coordination between regional and international cooperation so that they will complement and reinforce each other.

各位同事,Dear Colleagues,


China has actively supported and engaged in Afghan reconstruction and offered assistance to Afghanistan as our ability permits. From 2002 to 2009, China provided a total of more than 900 million yuan of grant assistance and cancelled 19.5 million US dollars of Afghanistan's mature debts. We have built seven projects for Afghanistan, including the Jomhuri Hospital (Republican Hospital) and the rehabilitation of the Parwan irrigation project, provided 15 batches of assistance materials, trained 781 Afghans from various professions and received 94 Afghan students through government scholarships. These measures have been warmly welcomed by the government and people of Afghanistan, as they have contributed significantly to Afghanistan's peace and reconstruction process and the local people's well-being.


Since the London conference, China has further delivered on its commitment of assistance with concrete moves. In March, China announced that it would provide another 160 million yuan of grant assistance to Afghanistan, to be used on infrastructure, medical care, health and education programs. We will increase the scale of personnel training for Afghanistan. This year, we will train over 200 Afghan officials and technical personnel. Starting from next year, we will increase the number of government scholarships to Afghanistan from 30 every year to 50. This will make the total number of Afghan students studying in China on various scholarships to around 100. We will overcome difficulties and continue to build assistance projects in Afghanistan that benefit the local communities. The presidential multi-function center built by China has been completed, and work has started on its auxiliary projects. We will build a national technology, science and education center for Afghanistan and a teaching building and a guest house for the Kabul University. China has given Afghanistan preferential tariff treatment to support its economic development. Last March, our two countries exchanged letters on zero-tariff treatment to certain Afghan exports to China, which cover more than 4,000 items. This measure will come into effect expeditiously once the domestic review process is completed. To sum up, China attaches great importance to its assistance to Afghanistan. We will, through strengthened communication with the Afghan government, make our assistance better targeted and ensure that it goes to the most urgently needed areas in Afghanistan.

各位同事,Dear Colleagues,


Afghanistan and China are friendly neighbors. China is committed to developing a comprehensive and cooperative partnership featuring good-neighborliness, mutual trust and ever-lasting friendship with Afghanistan on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We will continue to work actively for Afghanistan's reconstruction and play a constructive role in helping bring peace, stability and development to Afghanistan at an early date.

谢谢大家。Thank you.