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Your Honor Vice President Kunda,
Mr. Speaker,
Honorable Ministers,
Diplomatic Envoys,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,


Over the past week, I have visited Ethiopia, Algeria, Equatorial Guinea and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I arrived in Zambia yesterday evening. Please allow me to take up some of your time to make a few remarks.

这是我第二次来到美丽可爱的赞比亚,再次沉浸在非洲特有的热烈友好气氛之中。首先,我要衷心感谢孔达副总统和赞比亚政府的盛情款待和周到安排,向赞比亚的兄弟姐妹们道一声“MWACHOMA BWANJI”(当地语:你们好)。我要特别转达胡锦涛主席对班达总统和赞比亚人民的亲切问候。

This is my second visit to the beautiful and lovely Zambia. I am once again overwhelmed by the warm and friendly atmosphere unique to Africa. First, I wish to take this opportunity to express heartfelt thanks to Vice President Kunda and the Zambian government for your gracious hospitality and thoughtful arrangements. Let my say “MWACHOMA BWANJI!” to my Zambian brothers and sisters. I wish to particularly convey President Hu Jintao’s cordial greetings to His Excellency President Banda and the Zambian people.


Zambia is an important country with major influence on the African continent. It is China’s good friend, good brother and good partner in Africa. For years, the Zambian government and people have worked tirelessly to explore a development path suited to its national conditions. You have prevailed over various risks and challenges and maintained political stability, economic development and ethnic harmony. Since last year, in the face of the severe challenge of the international financial crisis, the Zambian people, under the leadership of President Banda and the Zambian government, have braved the difficulties head on and maintained steady and fast economic development. This has brought Zambia greater stability, prosperity and confidence, and gained the country respect from the whole of Africa and beyond. We wish Zambia an even brighter future, and we are confident that, with the joint efforts of both sides, the China-Zambia relationship will also have a better future.


The first decade of the 21st century is a decade of major changes in the world and tremendous progress by mankind. A profound and significant change is the rapid rise in the strength and influence of developing countries. I have visited nearly 20 African countries over the past few years, and I believe that this past decade is truly one of significant progress for Africa. In my eyes, Africa has become more “stable”. The tumults of wars have ended and a new era of peace and stability is dawning. Africa is getting “faster”. The African economy has maintained a growth rate of over 5% and the continent is beaming with vigor and vitality. Africa has grown “stronger”. Achieving strength through unity has become a common awareness and major progress has been made in the integration process. And Africa is becoming more “attractive”. The voice of Africa is getting louder on the international stage, and Africa’s standing and influence in the world are notably on the rise. One symbol of progress in African’s renaissance is the success of the 2010 FIFA World Cup held in South Africa. As the theme song of the World Cup goes, this is the time for Africa. We feel truly happy for you, and we are convinced that the African countries and their people will run African affairs well. If the 20th century was a century of “national liberation” for Africa, then the 21st century will be one of “peaceful development” for you.