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We hope to see all countries in the world treating Africa as equals and being a true help, contributing to Africa’s stability and prosperity. Neo-colonialism is never a tag to be put on China. Dear friends, no matter what others say, we will stay committed to the path to common development featuring mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. We will never follow the old path of western colonialism and imperialism, since we have no such policy or desire, nor is it ever in our tradition or gene to do so. What we cherish is a sincere heart of friendship with our African friends.


The cause of friendship and cooperation between China and Africa conforms to the trend toward a multi-polar world and economic globalization. It serves the fundamental interests of the Chinese and African peoples, who, together, make one third of the world’s population. Development is of overarching importance. We will join hands with our African friends to seize the opportunities, remove the obstructions, and work wholeheartedly for the sustainable development of China-Africa friendship and cooperation at a higher level and to achieve common prosperity in the 21st century.


—— 最重要的基础是继承和发展传统友谊,坚持相互尊重、平等相待、互利共赢等原则,这是中非关系万古长青的根本。

I believe what underpins further progress in China-Africa cooperation is continued efforts to carry forward the traditional China-Africa friendship and stick to the principles of mutual respect, equality and win-win cooperation. This is the very foundation for the China-Africa relationship to move from strength to strength.


The fundamental way to grow China-Africa cooperation is to expand and deepen win-win cooperation on an equal footing, with a view to realizing the great renaissance and development of Africa and China.


The most urgent task upon us is to improve people’s lives in Africa, enhance African’s ability to develop on its own and meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The most enduring force driving China-Africa cooperation comes from closer people-to-people exchanges. We should learn from each other’s development experience, conduct human resources training and enhance mutual understanding and friendship among our younger generations.


The key principle guiding the further growth of China-Africa cooperation is to keep abreast with the times and work with a pioneering spirit and an innovative mind. We should carry forward useful experience and remedy shortcomings for continuous improvement. We should introduce new practices in line with actual circumstances and needs, and settle problems properly through friendly consultation.


Dear friends, I fell in love with Africa as early as in the 1960s when I was still a young man. The plays about Africa I watched back then are still vivid in my memory, such as the Battle Drum at the Equator, the Wrath of the Coconut Trees and the Storm of Africa. Now that I am back in Africa in the 21st century, wherever I go, I see tremendous efforts made to achieve development and I hear discussions about cooperation. The African people are great people and the African continent is a continent of great promises and prospects. I am full of confidence about the future of Africa and China-Africa relations. I firmly believe that the new type of China-Africa strategic partnership based on our strong traditional friendship and common interests will, like a giant ship, brave the storms and sail toward a better future, a future that benefits the people in China, in Africa and indeed the whole world.

