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The past decade has also been one of significant growth of China-Africa relations. The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), a platform of far-reaching influence, was inaugurated and substantiated, and the FOCAC Beijing Summit was successfully held. China-Africa relations have made all-round and in-depth progress on the political, economic and cultural fronts. Our result-oriented cooperation has reached uNPRecedented breadth and depth and our two-way trade has surged from US$10 billion to a historic US$100 billion. People-to-people exchanges have become closer, and mutual understanding and friendship have deepened. All this is attributable to the hard work of the Chinese and African peoples over the generations. I wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute and say a big “thank you” to all the friends present, and through you, to the forerunners who have dedicated themselves to the cause of China-Africa friendship.


However, when our relationship is moving forward and the African people rejoice at its progress, some in the world are suggesting that China is no longer a developing country, that China no longer needs Africa or thinks of Africa as important and that China will team with someone to jointly “manage” the world. Some have gone so sensational as to claim that China is repeating the western colonial path of exploiting Africa. Doesn’t it sound like a myth? I am sure you all know, my friends, that what they say is neither the truth nor anything possible. Then why do some say so? They make such allegations precisely because China-Africa cooperation has proved to be the right path to take. It is a path that has led us to great success and we should continue to follow this path.


As you probably know, China has achieved rapid economic and social progress in the past 30 years or more since reform and opening-up. Yet, our development achievements have had to be shared among the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Among them, nearly 140 million still live in poverty and over 80 million are with disabilities. China’s per capita GDP ranks 104th in the world, behind many countries in Africa. China remains a developing country in every sense of the term. Those who do not think so have in their eyes only big cites like Beijing, Shanghai, and not places in the remote, mountainous and poverty-stricken areas in China like Guizhou, my home province. What they do not realize is that China faces many difficulties. Even if China becomes strong in the future, it will remain a developing country and will continue to side firmly with our African brothers and other developing countries and work in cooperation and solidarity with you for common development. China’s heart will never change.


Solidarity and cooperation with African countries and other developing countries is always the very basis and point of departure of China’s foreign policy. This is determined by our similar historical experience, the friendship we forged during our common struggle, the common task of development we face and the strategic interests we share. This will not change with the development of China’s economy, or the changes in China’s international standing, or the changes of the international situation. For China, African countries were, are and will continue to be good friends, good partners and good brothers with whom our friendship is the most sincere and trustworthy. We know too well that China-Africa friendship was jointly developed by Chairman Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai and the older generation of African statesmen. It is an invaluable political asset for both China and Africa and it gives us a unique strategic advantage. We have every reason to always cherish it, uphold it and let it grow even stronger.


There is no denying that there is still room for improvement in our efforts to grow relations with our African brothers. And we are open to any criticism and suggestion based on goodwill. But there are things we are certainly proud of. China’s cooperation with Africa is open and China pursues no hidden agenda. We have always given respect to the sovereignty and development paths of African countries and never interfered in your internal affairs. We have always followed the principle of equality and mutual benefit in conducting cooperation with Africa. We have always been offering sincere and friendly assistance to Africa and never attached any political conditions to such assistance. We have always taken the assistance and support between China and Africa as being mutual. To us, the development of China and the development of Africa are mutually reinforcing. We endeavor to promote African countries’ development with our own development and what we aim for is common prosperity. Africa is the African people’s Africa. We never seek to build a “sphere of influence” in Africa and have no intention to pursue unhealthy competition in Africa with other countries.