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中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝
2010年9月22日 纽约

Towards the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals
--Statement by H.E.Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
At the UN High-Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals
New York,22 September 2010


Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,


Ten years ago, in this very hall, world leaders held the UN Millennium Summit and made the solemn commitment of making the right to development a reality for everyone and freeing the entire human race from hunger and poverty. The Millennium Summit was a call for action to end global poverty and represented a milestone in the endeavorto promote the common development of mankind.


Time flies. Thanks to the concerted efforts of the international community over the past decade, many people who suffered from hunger now have access to basic necessities, many children who were denied education due to poverty now have their dream of going to school come true, and more and more AIDS patients have received timely treatment and care. That said, we must not lose sight of the fact that progress toward the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) is still uneven in different regions and fields. Many countries have yet to make visible headway in improving the health of women and children, achieving gender equality, and protecting the eco-environment. A considerable number of developing countries have been hit hard by the global financial crisis, natural disasters and volatilities in the food and energy markets. And the global population living in hunger has increased. Achieving the MDGs therefore remains a long and uphill journey.


China, an active and sustained supporter of the UN initiative, has made tireless efforts to reach the MDGs. Since 1978, the number of Chinese living in absolute poverty has been lowered by over 200 million, accounting for 75% of the total population lifted out of poverty in developing countries. We have enhanced the institutional arrangements aimed at ensuring and improving people's well-being. We have extended the free nine-year compulsory education nationwide, introduced the rural cooperative medical care scheme for the 800 million farmers,and launched the rural old-age insurance program on a trial basis. Access of low-income groups to employment, housing and education has significantly improved.


On the other hand, we are keenly aware of the arduoustasks that we face in developing the economy and improving people's livelihood. China, with its large population, weak economic foundation and imbalances in development, is not yet a rich country. Its per capita GDP ranks about 100th in the world. By the Chinese government's standard, tens of millions of Chinese people are still below the poverty line. We are formulating the twelfth five-year plan on economic and social development and the program on poverty alleviationthrough development for the new decade, both of which will lay greater emphasis on poverty alleviation.We are convinced that the MDGs will be achieved as scheduled on the vast land of China.


Offering mutual support and assistance in times of adversity is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.Since the founding of the People's Republic over 60 years ago,we have, in an internationalist and humanitarian spirit, provided sincere and selfless assistance in multiple forms to other developing countries to the best of our ability. Such assistance has contributed to the economic development and people's well-being of the recipientcountries, deepened China's friendship with them, and set a good example of South-South cooperation. The Chinese government will further strengthen and improve foreign assistance and contribute its due share to the early achievement of the MDGs throughout the world.