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Since July this year, Pakistan has been hit by serious floods, which inflicted heavy casualtiesand property losses. China is a friendly neighbor of Pakistan. Our hearts go out to the Pakistani people. In order to support Pakistan's efforts in fighting floods and rebuilding the country, China has decided to provide it with RMB320 million yuan of humanitarian assistance and has sent a relief team to the disaster-stricken areas. I wish to take this opportunity to announce that China will, on top of the pledged assistance, provide another US$200 million of assistance to Pakistan.


Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,


The next five years is crucial for the attainment of the MDGs. The international community must, with a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, take solid steps together in the following aspects to achieve common progress.


--Identify work priorities. The United Nations needs to put the achievement of the MDGs as scheduled on the top of its agenda and ensure that the process is not interrupted or delayed by other issues. The international community should give high priority to helping Africa achieve development and shake off poverty and should also scale up support for the LDCs. Developing countries should make the eradicationof poverty through development a central task and keep enhancing capacities for self-development.


--Honor official commitments. To offer a loaf of bread is more useful than making an empty promise. Developed countries should fulfill in good faith their commitments, assume the main responsibility in assisting developing countries, raise the share of official development assistance in their gross national income to 0.7% at an early date,and provide long-term, stable and predictable financial assistance to developing countries. The assistance should be selfless and have no strings attached.


--Improve the implementation mechanisms. Institutional arrangements are an important guarantee for meeting the MDGs. The United Nations should continue to play a central role in international development cooperation. It is important to establish an assessment mechanism on the MDGs at an early date. International institutions need to strengthen coordination and cooperation with regional organizations to form a synergyin poverty alleviation through development.


--Uphold a peaceful environment. If a country does not have durable peace and stability, its people can hardly live and work in happiness and contentment. If the world does not have peace and stability, then the whole mankind can hardly achieve development and progress.Countries and nations should all discard past grievances, turn swords into ploughsharesand resolve disputes by peaceful means.


Mr. President,
Dear Colleagues,


The adoption of the Millennium Declaration brought light to the people suffering from poverty around the world. It was a light of hope,a light of conscience, and a light of love. Today, we are gathered here again to make the light shine brightly across the globe and warm the heart of each and every one living in poverty. At this very moment, countless people, from Africa, Asia and Latin America, and indeed from all places still under the shadow of hunger and poverty, are looking to us,their eyes full of expectation, and we cannot let them down. Let us work harder and cooperate more closely for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals on schedule and for the development and progress of all mankind.


Thank you.