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中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝

Towards Greater Asia-Europe Cooperation
Address by H.E. Wen Jiabao
Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
At the Opening Ceremony of the Eighth ASEMSummit
Brussels, 4 October 2010


Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council,
Mr. Yves Leterme, Prime Minister of Belgium,
Dear Colleagues,


It gives me great pleasure to meet you here in Brussels. I want to thank our host Belgium for the thoughtful arrangements. I also want to express a warm welcome to Australia, New Zealand and Russia, our new ASEM partners.


In October 2008, when a full-blown international financial crisis was breaking out and spreading fast, we held the Seventh ASEM Summit in Beijing and issued a statement on the international financial situation. It sent a strong message to the world that all of us would come together and rise to the challenge with great confidence. Over the past two years, countries in Asia and Europe and around the world have made concerted efforts to counter the financial crisis, and achieved notable results. Today, although the pace and momentum of recovery vary from country to country, the world economy as a whole is slowly recovering. We are soberlyaware of the many uncertainties existing in this process. The underlying impacts of the international financial crisis are yet to be removed, and there are countries plagued by such problems as high unemployment, sluggishgrowth or rising sovereign debt risks. It is therefore highly significant for ASEM leaders to gather together at this critical juncture and explore ways to achieve a strong and sustainable recovery of the world economy.


ASEM cooperation now stands at a new historical starting point and faces new development opportunities. Asia has a large population and huge market potential. It is the fastest-growing and most vibrant region in the global economy. The EU is the world's largest economy with advanced science and technology and a well-developed market. It is a world trendsetterin many fields. With the joining of Australia, New Zealand and Russia, ASEM partners have formed a close-knit community of interests, covering the entire Eurasian continent from east to west. The 48 ASEM partners account for about 60% of the world's population and trade and over 50% of the global economy. This has made Asia-Europe cooperation all the more important and its scope even broader. We must seize the opportunities, keep up with the times, and take solid steps to advance Asia-Europe cooperation from a strategic and long-term perspective.