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First, we must work together to promote world economic growth. We should intensify macroeconomic policy coordination, manage with caution the timing and pace of an exit strategy from economic stimulus, and keep the exchange rates of major reserve currencies relatively stable. We should build on our achievements to ensure steady recovery of the world economy. At the same time, it is important to think for the long run. We need to promote economic restructuring, gradually remove the systemic and structural risks, enhance fiscal sustainability, and build internal drivers of economic growth.


Second, we must work together to reform the international economic and financial systems. Global economic governance reform is of fundamental importance in overcoming the financial crisis, and we must explore ways to establish a more effective global economic governance system. We need to improve the decision-making process and mechanism of the international financial institutions, increase the representation and voice of developing countries, encourage wider participation, and fully accommodate each other's interests and concerns. We should step up cooperation on international financial supervision and regulation. We must be steadfast in advocating and supporting free trade, resolutely oppose protectionism, and work for early, equitable and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round negotiations on the basis of the existing text.


Third, we must work together to address major global challenges. We must make concerted efforts to meet the climate challenge under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. We should pay equal attention to economic development and environmental protection, actively engage in cooperation in clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and develop a green economy. We should foster and follow a new energy security concept that calls for win-win cooperation, diverse forms of development and common energy security through coordinated supply. It is important to stabilize energy prices, curb excessive speculationand ensure energy supply to all countries, developing countries in particular.We must jointly fight terrorism and piracy to maintain maritime transport safety and normal trade between Asia and Europe. We need to strengthen cooperation and learn from each other in disaster preparednessand reduction so as to minimize the threat of natural disasters to the lives and property of our people.


Fourth, we must work together to facilitate exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Cultural exchanges play an important role in advancing human progress. There is a long tradition of mutual learning between the Asian and European civilizations. Both the Eastern learning spreading westward and the Western learning spreading eastward have contributed to the prosperity and progress of the two civilizations. There exist diverse civilizations and religious beliefs. We should embrace such diversity and respect their difference. We must also respect different development models and the right of all countries to independently choose their development paths. We should promote inclusiveness, draw on each other's strength and live in harmony. It is necessary to give stronger support to the Asia-Europe Foundation and enable it to play an even bigger role in strengthening academic, cultural and people-to-people exchanges between Asia and Europe.


Fifth, we must work together to uphold peace and stability in Asia and Europe. The people of Asia and Europe value peace most, because our continent was repeatedly ravaged by wars in the past. ASEM partners believe in multilateralismand are important forces for the maintenance of world peace and stability. We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust. We should vigorouslyadvocate a philosophy that values peace above everything else, seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end to turmoil and warfare, and lay the foundation for long-term prosperity.