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China is firmly committed to Asia-Europe cooperation. Since the inception of ASEM, China has shown strong resolve to encourage political dialogue, economic cooperation and cultural exchanges among the partners. Our aim is to seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus. China is fully engaged in Asia-Europe practical cooperation across the board. We have held nearly 40 ASEM events, and we proposed cooperation between Asia and Europe in such areas as science and technology, small and medium-sized enterprises, the environment, customs, justice and counter-terrorism in order to open up new horizons for Asia-Europe cooperation. To further facilitate Asia-Europe practical cooperation, I wish to make the following four-point proposal on behalf of the Chinese government: First, establish the ASEM Water Resource Research and Development Center to enhance our water resources management capacity and promote sustainable development through cooperation in related science and technology. Second, convene the Second ASEM Transport Ministers' Meeting and deepen Asia-Europe transport cooperation to facilitate the flow of people and goods. Third, hold the ASEM High-level Forum on Sustainable Forestry Management to Address Climate Change and push forward practical cooperation in forestry. And fourth, hold the ASEM Symposiumon Technical and Vocational Education to strengthen our exchanges and cooperation in improving the knowledge and skills of workers. Going forward, China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership.


Dear Colleagues,


The past 14 years of cooperation between Asia and Europe has demonstrated that trust comes from dialogue and cooperation leads to win-win outcomes. In the face of the severe international financial crisis, we pulled together and acted in unity. On the way toward global economic recovery, we must continue to help each other and move forward hand-in-hand. Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.


Thank you.