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In this time of uncertainty in global -- in the global economy, it is all the more important that we take the difficult but necessary steps together and along with our G20 partners continue to sustain the global recovery and create jobs and prosperity.  We’re the two biggest engines in the world to be able to do that.  As I said in May, when I opened the annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Washington, I said, “For many of the world’s most pressing challenges, it is a simple fact that when the United States and China are not at the table, the solution to the problem is less possible.”


But even as we cooperate, the United States and China also will compete, and competition is healthy.  We will compete in global politics and global economics.  And also -- also it is a feature of global politics and economics.  It’s also a feature of human nature to observe others, to consider how they measure up, to strive to be the best, that's good for both of us.  Genuine competition pushes companies, our companies and our people to perform better, and we should reject the misplaced notion of the zero-sum game in which everything one nation achieves somehow comes at the expense of the other.  It is the opposite.


So make no mistake, America not only welcomes this healthy competition; competition is stitched into the very fabric of our society and our economic system.  And while I may be a little biased, I have overwhelming confidence in the capability of the American people to compete on a level playing field with any nation and any peoples in the world.


But for this competition to benefit us both, it must take place on a level playing field with rules that are clear and treat all countries fairly and equally.  Although the United States and China are working hard to get this right, we still face obstacles of doing business in each other’s countries.  That's why I acknowledged on this trip the United States should undertake to make it easier for Chinese business people to obtain visas to travel to the United States.  It takes much too long for that to happen.  That’s not in our interest.


And while we are in the midst -- also it’s the reason why the President once he took office ordered for the first time in decades, ordered -- we’re in the midst of a total reform of our export control system.  Already, we have made thousands of new items available for export to China for exclusive civilian use that were not available before, some of which require a license, while others don't.  And tens of thousands of more items will become available very soon.


That's a significant change in our export policy and a rejection of those voices in America that say we should not export that kind of technology to -- for civilian use in China.  We disagree, and we’re changing.


But it’s also why we are troubled when American investors are prohibited from having wholly owned, fully owned subsidiaries of their own company in many sectors in China and excluded from sectors, entirely excluded from competing in other sectors; restrictions that no other major economy in the world imposes on us or anyone else so broadly.  That's why we have pushed Chinese officials to protect intellectual property rights.  We have welcomed the Chinese State Council’s recent campaign to enforce intellectual property rights, a commitment that President Hu made when he visited and he’s keeping.  But the effort must be strengthened and extended.


According to the International Trade Commission, American companies lose $48 billion a year and tens of thousands of jobs because of pirated goods and services.  These protections -- intellectual property protections not only benefit the United States and United States workers, United States companies, but I would argue Chinese companies, as well, as they increasingly seek to safeguard their own creations.


You’re here at this great university.  It’s very much in your interest that intellectual property be protected because some of you are the future artists, the future entertainers, the future innovators who will want to be able to have a market for what you do.  But if it can be acquired cheaply and pirated, why would anybody pay you for the same service?


America’s focus on global security, free trade and economic fairness is longstanding.  Since the end of World War II, we’ve helped build an international system that promotes peace and stability, gives all states the opportunity to share in global prosperity and provides rules to protect the basic human rights of all citizens.


China’s tremendous progress in my view can be attributed to the industriousness and talent of the Chinese people, as well as its leadership.  But it was made possible, I respectfully suggest, by an international architecture that promoted stability and prosperity and enables upward mobility for all countries.  I know that many Chinese and probably many of you students believe that your nation will continue on a path of greater prosperity.  I agree that it will.  That is my view, my prediction.  But I also know that some of you are skeptical about America’s future prospects.


With that in view, I would like to suggest that I respectfully disagree with that view and will allay your concerns.  Let me put this in perspective so you can understand why the American people are also confident about their future.  America today is by far the world’s largest economy with a GDP of almost $15 trillion, about two and a half times as large as China’s, the second largest; with a per-capita GDP which is more than $47,000 -- 11 times that of China’s.  I’ve read that some Chinese are concerned about the safety of your investments in American assets.  Please understand, no one cares more about this than we do since Americans own 87 percent of all our financial assets and 69 percent of all our treasury bonds, while China owns 1 percent of our financial assets and 8 percent of our treasury bills respectively.


So our interest is not just to protect Chinese investment.  We have an overarching interest in protecting the investment, while the United States has never defaulted -- and never will default.


I also have confidence in the fundamentals of our economy.  Vice President Xi said it best I think when he told a group of Chinese and American business leaders with whom we met the day  before yesterday, and I quote him, he said, “the U.S. economy is highly resilient and has a strong capacity to repair itself.”  He is right.  I believe America is even better equipped to compete in the economy of the future than it was of the economy of the past.  In the 20th century, the wealth of nation was primarily measured by the abundance of its natural resources, the expanse of its landmass, the size of its population and the potency of its army.  But I believe in the 21st century, the true wealth of a nation will be found in the creative minds of its people and their ability to innovate -- to develop the technologies that will not only spawn new products, but create and awaken entire new industries.  The United States is hardwired for innovation.  It’s part of our DNA from our earliest days.  It has enabled generation after generation of Americans to give life to world-changing ideas -- from the cotton gin, to the airplane, to the microchip, to the Internet, to the world-leading companies like General Electric, Ford, Microsoft and Google.  And I could go on and on.


These accomplishments were made possible not because there’s anything unique about an American.  It’s hard to define what an American is.  Shortly, 50 percent of the American population -- less than 50 percent will be of European stock.  So we are the most -- we are an incredibly heterogeneous nation.  That's part of our strength.  That's part of the boundless capacity of the American people.  But it’s also because of the enduring strength of our political and economic system and the way we educate our children, a system that welcomes immigrants from across the globe who enrich our national fabric and revitalize our diverse multi-ethnic society.  And I would point out, we are still the destination where most people in the world seek to come.  People usually don't seek to come to a nation in decline.


A system that trains students not merely to learn and accept established orthodoxy, but to challenge orthodoxy, challenge their professors, challenge the ideas put forward to them, encourage individual thought and innovation; a system that not only tolerates free expression and vigorous debate, including between citizens and their government, but celebrates and promotes those exchanges; a system in which the rule of law protects private property, provides a predictable investment climate, and ensures accountability for the poor and wealthy alike; and a system with universities that remain -- notwithstanding, and this is a great university -- the ultimate destination for scholars from around the world.  More than 130 thousand students from China attended our universities last year.  We’re hoping that number will be even larger.


China has followed a very different economic and political path to prosperity, enhancing some aspects of a free-market system, while resisting political openness and maintaining the state’s deep involvement in economic affairs.  That's a decision for you to make.


Maybe the biggest difference in our respective approaches are our approaches to what we refer to as human rights.  I recognize that many of you in this auditorium see our advocacy of human rights as at best an intrusion, and at worst an assault on your sovereignty.  I want to tell you directly that this is not our intention.  Yes, for Americans there is a significant moral component to our advocacy.  And we observed where we have failed, as well.  But it is who our people are.


But President Obama and I see protecting human rights and freedoms, we see it in a larger context, as well.  Protecting freedoms such as those enshrined in China’s international commitments and in China’s own constitution -- we see them as a key aspect of China’s successful emergence and the key continued growth and prosperity.  I know that some in China believe that greater freedom could threaten economic progress by undermining social stability.  I do not pretend to have the answer, but I believe history has shown the opposite to be true, that in the long run, greater openness is a source of stability and a sign of strength, that prosperity peaks when governments foster both free enterprise and free exchange of ideas, that liberty unlocks a people’s full potential.  And in its absence, unrest festers.


Openness, free exchange of ideas, free enterprise and liberty are among the reasons why the United States, in my view, is at this moment the wealthiest nation in the history of the world.  It’s why our workers are among the most productive, why our inventors and entrepreneurs hold more patents than any other country in the world, why we are reinvesting in the fundamental sources of our strength -- education, infrastructure, innovation, and why President Obama and I are so confident that America will weather the current economic storm and emerge even stronger, just as we always have in past economic crises, and why there’s no reason why China cannot tap into the same source of strength.


Going forward together is going to have a lot of growing pains.  As I said at the outset, in just over 30 years since I first came to China, your progress has been nothing short of incredible.  I can see that here in Chengdu, the city that is leading the effort to become a major player in the innovation economy, you can feel it.  You can see it in the eyes of some of you students.


Looking at this audience, there are some among you who will be the new pioneers in China’s economic development, leaving your mark on history.  Just like Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and others have had in the United States, you have the capacity and the potential and I’m sure some of you will do it.


I’m also proud that more than 160 Fortune 500 companies are operating in Chengdu High-tech Zone, including pioneer American businesses like Intel, Dell and Oracle.  The U.S.-China relationship has also improved dramatically in the past 30 years.  In order to cement this robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.


That's why we launched our 100,000 Strong Initiative to boost the number of American students studying in China each year and have maintained a robust Peace Corps presence.  How many Peace Corps volunteers are here today?  Raise your hands.  We love you guys.  Welcome.  Welcome.  (Applause.)


Last year, over 800,000 Chinese and 2 million Americans traveled between our countries to live, work, study and explore new places.  On a personal note, I've seen the value of these exchanges through the experiences of my niece, a young woman who learned Mandarin at Harvard and spent a year in Beijing refining her language skills and ultimately worked at our Treasury Department on U.S.-China relations.  There are tens of thousands of you like her, who are going to be the key to cement this relationship and deal with misconception and form the relevant societies about the motivations and operations of each of our countries.


These ties among our people are the life blood of our emerging partnership.  The bottom line is this:  As great nations and as global actors, the United States and China face many of the same challenges and share many of the same responsibilities.  And the more we can work together, the more our people will benefit and -- as I said before it sounds chauvinistic, but the more the world will benefit as a consequence of our cooperation.


President Obama and I will continue the important work of making this partnership even more positive, cooperative and comprehensive in the coming years.  And I hope -- I hope that my visit can serve as a step toward these goals and toward strengthening that bond.


So I thank you all for the honor of being here.  More importantly, I thank you for taking the time to listen.
