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And with the permission of your president -- they tell me I don't have any time, but I never like to leave a university without at least taking a few questions.  So I hope it’s permissible for me to able to take a few questions from the audience.  Is that permissible, Mr. President.  Is that okay?  All, right.  Thank you.

在得到贵校校长许可的情况下──他们告诉我已经没有时间了,可是我从来不想在没有至少回答几个问题之前离开一所大学。所以我希望能够让我回答听众的几个问题。你允许吗,校长先生?是否可以? 好的。谢谢你。

As you can see as Vice President, I’m used to always checking with presidents first.  (Laughter.)  I’d be happy to take a couple questions.  My staff is going to get angry if I take too much time.  But, please, there’s microphones in both aisles, I guess.  And I -- I can’t see with the light.  Gentleman all the way in the back waving both hands.  It must be important.


Q:  Good morning, Mr. President [sic].  And I’m a -- student from the medical school of Sichuan University.  But my question is about economy first.  And as you know that the China holds about $1 trillion U.S. bonds of treasury bonds.  And that much money -- actually the value is uncertain because of the downgrade of U.S. credit rating.  You seem to have instilled the confidence of the U.S. financial well-being into young people today because I heard you say that the U.S. economy is really resilient.  And -- but words alone cannot ease the mounting concern over the safety of China’s assets.  So we would like to hear more about what measures you’re going to implement to reduce those deficits and redeem the financial strength of America.

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  It’s a very good question.  One of the multiple rating agencies reduced our rating from AAA to -- plus -- come down one notch.  And that was very disturbing and bothersome to us, and we have to deal with is.


We do have a deficit that I was asked by the President to head up a commission to try to deal with that deficit.  And we made some significant progress, but not the progress we could have made and will make.  The bottom line is we have to deal with two elements of our economy.  One is what we call entitlement programs -- long-term commitments to our people in the area of particularly Medicare.  That is the safety net we have for people once they reach the age of 65 to be able to be assured that they have health care.


And it is not sustainable without some changes in large part because we had what we call a baby boom, which doesn’t sound like much to Chinese -- 40 million people is not a big deal, I know.  (Laughter.)  But adding 40 million people to those who will benefit from the Medicare -- Medicaid payment -- Medicare payments has put the program in a position where changes have to be made.


It’s easy to make those changes, and we had a tentative agreement to do that between the major political leaders of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and the administration.  But there is a group within the Republican Party that is a very strong voice now that did -- wanted different changes, and so that deal fell through at the very end.


What we ended up doing is setting up a system whereby we did cut by $1.2 trillion upfront, the deficit over the next 10 years.  And we set up a group of senators that have to come up with another $1.2 to $1.7 trillion in savings or automatically there will be cuts that go into effect in January to get those savings.  So the savings will be accomplished.  But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China.  You have no safety net.  Your policy has been one which I fully understand -- I’m not second-guessing -- of one child per family.  The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people.  Not sustainable.


So hopefully we can act in a way on a problem that's much less severe than yours, and maybe we can learn together from how we can do that.


But in the meantime, the concern that we will not make good on the investments that people have made -- in your case up to $1.7 trillion total out of a very large economy is not to worry about.  We could not afford -- we could not afford not to make good on that requirement.


And that's why the irony was that in the Treasury offering in the first four days after the downgrade, more people actually came and bought our treasuries than before.  And the interest rate paid on those treasury notes actually went down because they were so much in demand.  So obviously, the rest of the world didn't think we were about not to.  If the world thought, my God, they’ve been downgraded, and they are not going to make good on their debt, it would not have been viewed as the safest haven in the whole world to invest.  We are still -- for all the economic difficulties nation’s have -- we are still the single best bet in the world in terms of where to invest.


And so -- but we do have to deal with the deficit.  We will deal with it, and that's what this 2012 election is going to be about.  The American people are going to speak on that.


Now, look, one last point, both our countries are going through a political transition in 2012.  And it’s very important in my view that we both are aware of the political sensitivities in each of the countries as they go through that.  But I’m confident we will come out stronger, as will you.  But I don't in any way suggest -- please don't have the press read that Biden said that $1.7 trillion investment in the United States is not a big deal.  It is a big deal if you are a Chinese.  (Laughter.)  It is not a big deal in terms of our financial instruments.  It is a very small part, and so the Chinese people should take solace.   In order for us not to make good on China’s debt, we would have to disappoint tens of millions of Americans who own 85 percent of that debt.  And just in pure political terms, no politician wants to do that.  (Laughter.)  You’re safe.  (Applause.)


THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Question.  Young man in the striped shirt here.  Can you get him the microphone?

Q:  Thank you, very much, Your Excellency Vice President.  I see you not just as the Vice President but a veteran and accomplished public speaker.

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Do I look that old?  (Laughter.)

Q:  I mean being serious -- so as is known to all, public speaking, and English public speaking, in particular, is getting all the more popular in China.  So my question is twofold:  First of all, what role has public speaking played in your life?  Because we say that public speaking is the language of leadership.  And secondly, what role do you think public speaking will play among our youth of the two countries and to our bilateral relations?  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  That's a very good question.  Let me order my thoughts here to make this as brief as I can.  The commodity that is worth a lot more than public speaking is sincerity when one speaks.  I mean this sincerely now.  (Laughter.)  There are great orators that have come along in the world history who have been charlatans.  So the most important thing to look to in a leader’s speech is not the elegance or the rhetorical flourish of his or her comments, but the judgment of whether or not you believe they are sincere in what they're saying.


Secondly, you compliment me by saying I’m an accomplished public speaker.  I don't know whether you’ve had an opportunity to see a movie that has gotten worldwide circulation called “The King’s Speech.”  Well, but for the royal blood and the money, that could have been me.  I was a serious stutterer when I was in school as a child, as a high school student, and even into college.  And I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to annunciate without contorting my face.


When you think about it, whether it’s China or America, the only impediment people feel free to make fun of and humor of is a stutterer.  If I had a deformed face, you would not make fun of my face.  But if I stood before you and ta-ta-talked to-to-to you like that, you’d do what you’re now -- you’re smiling.  And it’s offensive.  It’s offensive.  Because it is a serious impediment.  When one stutters, people believe they are stupid.  People believe they are not worth much.  And there’s tens of millions of people around the world trapped with a keen mind and big heart, trapped inside of a body that cannot articulate what they feel.


And the reason I bother to mention that to you is to get to the third and most important point.  Speech, communication -- to state the obvious -- is the currency of understanding.  It’s the currency with which we exchange ideas.  It’s stuff from which flows the sense of whether one is being truthful or honest or sincere.  We judge from the way people speak whether they’re being transparent and open, whether they're being cramped and cabined.  And so the thing that I’m most embarrassed about in my career of 38 years of having an opportunity to literally meet every major world leader in the last 38 years.  I was elected as a 30 -- 29-year-old, young man from modest means.  And I’ve had that opportunity.  The thing that always embarrasses me is -- and in the back of my head, I’m embarrassed in front of you -- I’m embarrassed I can’t speak to you in Chinese.  I would -- seriously -- I would rather be able to honor you and show my respect for you by speaking your language, as you honor me by speaking mine.


And so language, the ability not only to master the ability to put your ideas into words succinctly on a platform to communicate ideas to your own people, it is even more impressive when you have the capacity to do that and communicate your ideas, especially as future business and political and moral leaders of the world in the language of the people to whom you are speaking.


So I think there is no greater resource that a nation could seek than having a group of people who were able to communicate in the same idiom, the same dialect, the same -- the same pattern as the people to whom as they're speaking.  Because this is all about -- all about -- understanding one another.


Let me conclude by saying this.  My father was a high school-educated man.  He never went to a university and -- nor did my mother or anyone in my family at that time.  But my father was an elegant, decent man -- eloquent and elegant, decent man.  My father used to have an expression, and maybe it’s the best way for me to conclude my comments with you all, and I wish I could stay later -- longer, sincerely wish I could.  He used to say, Joe, the only conflict that is worse than one that is intended is one that is unintended.  The only conflict worse than one that is intended is one that is unintended.

最后,我还要说几句。我父亲是个受过高中教育的人。他从来没进过大学——那个时候, 我母亲和任何家人都没进过大学。但我父亲是一个文雅、体面的人——有口才、温文尔雅和体面的人。我父亲总喜欢说这样一句话,或许我最好用这句话结束对大家的讲话,我希望我可以多留一会,——多呆一些时间,我衷心希望我能如此。他常说,乔,唯一比意想之中的冲突更糟的是意想不到的冲突。唯一比意想之中的冲突更糟的是意想不到的冲突。

Language, speech, interchange, openness, communication -- that is the material that can be used to lessen the possibility of the unintended, the unintended conflict.  I have great faith in all of you.  I mean this sincerely.  You’re an incredible country, an incredible people.  And the fact there’s a hundred thousand students here at this great university, the fact that there are millions of Chinese at universities throughout -- throughout this country; the fact that there’s 130,000 Chinese nationals speaking -- citizens, going to American universities is the stuff which gives me faith.


Believe in yourselves.  Believe in yourselves.  You have the capacity to do anything, anything anyone in the world has ever done.  And the more you do, the better off my granddaughter and my great granddaughter’s generation are going to be.


Thank you for the honor of being here.  (Applause.)  Thank you, all, very much.  (Applause.)
