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美国驻华大使骆家辉国内首场演讲 北外演讲全文

And the examples of shared security interests go on: from Afghanistan to Sudan.

We may not always initially agree on exactly how best to achieve our shared objectives. But when we successfully work together we often find mutually beneficial outcomes that serve the interests of all parties.
我们也许不是总能够在一开始就对如何最好达到我们的共同目标取得完全一致,但当我们成功地一起努力时 ,我们经常能够取得满足各方利益的互利的结果。

Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization. I recently visited the Diaoyutai guest house where four wood panels illustrate the Chinese contributions that defined the world for centuries: the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and the printing press.

And in the United States, we take great pride in our contributions — such as the light bulb, the television, the personal computer, and the Internet, which has changed all of our lives so profoundly.

From the flash of gunpowder to the light of electricity, from the printed page to a webpage, from navigating the waters of the globe to navigating the Internet, our two nations have contributed so much to the world of today.

Think about what we can do, in partnership, to improve the world of tomorrow.

So many problems in the world today — from climate change, to poverty and disease — simply will not be solved without strong U.S.-China cooperation.
今天世界上有这么多问题 ——从气候变化,到贫困和疾病——没有强大的美中合作,根本无法得到解决。

That’s why I’d like to state unequivocally that the United States welcomes the rise of a prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.

I reject the notion that China and the United States are engaged in a zero-sum competition, where one side must fall for the other to rise.

We can and must achieve security and prosperity together.

Certainly, we will have our disagreements. That’s to be expected from two large and complex nations with different histories and different political systems.

As an example, let me take a moment to speak about the issue of human rights, which is an essential element of U.S. global policy. In discussing this issue, with China or any other country, we start from the premise that all people are entitled to the protections contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These are universal standards, and they include the right to due process of law, to be able to speak freely, to associate openly, to pray in the manner one chooses and to enjoy the benefits of a free press.

We believe that societies that respect human rights and address the aspirations of their people are more prosperous, successful and stable.

And, of course, we will compete economically — as we should, because healthy, fair competition prompts companies to be more efficient with lower cost goods and helps spur new innovations and products.

But competition and disagreements can’t obscure the fact that we are moving ever closer together. The important thing is that we have mechanisms to broaden our areas of cooperation while managing our differences.

We have worked hard over the last few years to lay this foundation:

Through launching the Strategic and Economic Dialogue;

Through a rapid pace of meetings between our most senior leaders;

Through expanding our cooperation between our states, provinces, and cities;

And, through increasing the number of exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples.

All of these mechanisms will help us increase mutual understanding and trust, which will be crucial to advancing our relationship in the 21st century.

This reality was confirmed earlier this year when President Obama and President Hu pledged to expand bilateral cooperation on a range of issues and when Vice President Biden spoke about this cooperation during his recent trip to China.

As Ambassador, I will continue to support our two countries’ efforts to work together.

I will seek to further the economic and commercial ties between the U.S. and China by building our trade relationship in a mutually beneficial manner that reduces barriers to trade and increases jobs in both our countries.

As President Obama told the United States Congress in a speech this morning, the highest priority of the United States today is to create jobs for Americans and revitalize our economy. Given our economic interdependence, a stronger American economy is in the economic self-interest of the Chinese people. And, my top priority here in China is to carry out the policies that will support this effort:

Helping to double our exports — creating jobs in the U.S. and providing high quality American products and services which are in high demand in China;

Increasing Chinese investment in the U.S. which will help Chinese companies prosper while at the same time creating jobs in America
; 增加中国在美国的投资,这将有助于中国公司的兴旺发展,同时增加美国的就业。

And ensuring that U.S. companies can compete on a level playing field in China and be able to operate in the same open and fair environment that Chinese companies enjoy in the U.S.

In the coming weeks, I will talk more about our economic and commercial ties at an event with the business community here in Beijing.