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三、2012年主要任务 III. Major Tasks for 2012

(一)促进经济平稳较快发展 1. Promoting steady and robust economic development

扩大内需特别是消费需求是我国经济长期平稳较快发展的根本立足点,是今年工作的重点。 Expanding domestic demand, particularly consumer demand, which is essential to ensuring China's long-term, steady, and robust economic development, is the focus of our economic work this year.

着力扩大消费需求。加快构建扩大消费的长效机制。大力调整收入分配格局,增加中低收入者收入,提高居民消费能力。完善鼓励居民消费政策。大力发 展社会化养老、家政、物业、医疗保健等服务业。鼓励文化、旅游、健身等消费,落实好带薪休假制度。积极发展网络购物等新型消费业态。支持引导环保建材、节 水洁具、节能汽车等绿色消费。扩大消费信贷。加强城乡流通体系和道路、停车场等基础设施建设。加强产品质量安全监管。改善消费环境,维护消费者合法权益。 We will work hard to expand consumer demand. We will move faster to set up a permanent mechanism for boosting consumption. We will vigorously adjust income distribution, increase the incomes of low- and middle-income groups, and enhance people's ability to consume. We will improve policies that encourage consumption. We will vigorously develop elderly care, domestic, property management, medical and healthcare services. We will encourage consumer spending on cultural activities, tourism, and fitness; and implement the system of paid vacations. We will actively develop new forms of consumption such as online shopping; support and guide the consumption of green goods such as environmentally friendly building materials, water-saving sanitation products, and energy-efficient vehicles; and expand consumer credit. We will improve the urban-rural logistics system and infrastructural facilities, such as roads and parking lots, strengthen supervision over product quality and safety, improve the consumption environment, and safeguard consumers' legitimate rights and interests.

不断优化投资结构。保持投资稳定增长,促进投资和消费良性互动。认真落实国务院关于鼓励引导民间投资新36条,出台具有可操作性的实施细则。加 强政府投资对结构调整的引领作用,优先保证重点在建、续建项目,有序推进国家重大项目开工建设。把好土地、信贷、节能、环保、安全、质量等准入和审核关, 加强对重大项目特别是政府和国有投资项目的监管、督查,提高投资质量和效益。 We will continue to improve the investment structure. We will maintain the steady growth of investment and use investment to promote consumption and vice versa. We will fully implement the Guidelines of the State Council on Encouraging and Guiding the Sound Development of Nongovernmental Investment and adopt specific operating rules for their implementation. We will strengthen the role of government investment in guiding adjustment of the economic structure, ensure funding for key projects that are under construction or expansion, and begin construction on major national projects in an orderly manner. We will tighten standards on market access and the screening and approval process relating to land, credit, energy conservation, environmental protection, safety, and quality; and strengthen supervision and inspections of major projects, particularly those undertaken by governments and state-owned firms, to improve the quality of and returns on such investments.

(二)保持物价总水平基本稳定 2. Keeping overall prices basically stable

这是关系群众利益和经济社会发展全局的重点工作。要在有效实施宏观经济政策、管好货币信贷总量、促进社会总供求基本平衡的基础上,搞好价格调控,防止物价反弹。 This is a key task affecting the people's interests and China's overall economic and social development. We will control prices and prevent inflation from rebounding by effectively carrying out macroeconomic policies, managing the supply of money and credit, and striving for basic equilibrium in aggregate supply and demand.

增加生产、保障供给。继续把控制食品价格过快上涨作为稳定物价的重点。落实好“米袋子”省长负责制和“菜篮子”市长负责制,保障主要农产品供 给。大中城市要有合理的菜地保有量,稳定和提高本地应季蔬菜自给水平,同周边地区和优势产区协作建设“菜篮子”产品基地。加强重要商品产运销衔接,完善政 府储备和商业储备体系,做好主要农产品收储和投放,增强市场调控能力。 We will increase production and ensure supply. We will continue to make curbing excessive rises in food prices a priority of stabilizing prices. We will effectively carry out the practice of holding provincial governors responsible for the "rice bag" (grain supply) and city mayors for the "vegetable basket" (non-grain food supply) and ensure the supply of major farm products. Large and medium-sized cities should have sufficient farmland for growing vegetables, maintain and raise the proportion of seasonal vegetables sold there that are grown locally, and develop vegetable production bases in collaboration with neighboring areas and areas with suitable conditions. We will strengthen coordination of the production, transportation, and sale of important commodities; improve systems of government reserves and commercial reserves; do a good job purchasing, storing and marketing major agricultural products; and regulate the market better.

搞活流通、降低成本。严格执行蔬菜等鲜活农产品运输绿色通道政策。认真落实对农产品批发市场、集贸市场、社区平价菜店等的扶持政策,鼓励城市连 锁超市、高校、大型企业、社区与农产品流通企业、专业合作社、种养大户对接,减少流通环节,增加零售网点,充分发挥流通主渠道作用。 We will improve distribution and reduce distribution costs. We will ensure that the green channel policy for transporting vegetables and other fresh farm products is fully implemented. We will carry out policies to support wholesale agricultural product markets, market fairs, and community-based, low-priced vegetable stores. We will encourage urban chain supermarkets, universities, large enterprises, and communities to establish direct supply contacts with farm product distributors, specialized farmer cooperatives, and large family farms. We will also reduce distribution links and increase retail outlets so that they can play a leading role in distribution. We will deepen reform of the distribution system. We will expand trials of a tax on the income of logistics enterprises after deductions, and improve tax policies on the use of land occupied by facilities for storing major commodities. We will adjust and improve VAT policies for the wholesale and retail of some agricultural products, and promote standardized and information-based distribution. We will adopt a full range of measures to make distribution more efficient and cost-effective so as to benefit both producers and consumers.

深化流通体制改革。扩大物流企业营业税差额纳税试点范围,完善大宗商品仓储设施用地税收政策。调整完善部分农产品批发、零售增值税政策,推动流通标准化、信息化建设。要多管齐下,切实把流通效率提上去、中间成本降下来,真正让生产者和消费者都得到好处。加强监管、规范秩序。重点加强对食品、药品价格和医疗、通信、教育等服务收费的监督检查,坚决治理交通运输领域乱收费乱罚款,纠正大型零售商业企业违规收费行为,严厉查处发布虚假信息、囤积居奇、操纵价格、恶意炒作等违法行为。把握好舆论导向,正确引导社会预期。 We will tighten oversight and ensure market order. We will give high priority to strengthening oversight and inspection of food and drug prices as well as fees and charges for medical, communications, and educational services; put an end to unauthorized collection of charges and fines in the transportation sector; stop large commercial retailers from illegally collecting fees; and crack down on illegal practices such as releasing false information, hoarding and profiteering, manipulating prices, and speculation. We will lead public opinion and correctly guide public expectations of price movements.

(三)促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收 3. Promoting steady growth of agriculture and sustained increases in rural incomes

在工业化和城镇化发展进程中,要更加重视农业现代化。必须坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为各项工作的重中之重,进一步加大强农惠农富农政策力度,巩固和发展农业农村好形势。 We need to pay even greater attention to modernizing agriculture in the course of industrialization and urbanization. We must continue to make solving problems related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers a top priority in all of our work; increase policy support to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and enrich rural areas; and consolidate and build upon achievements in the development of agriculture and rural areas.

稳定发展农业生产,多渠道增加农民收入。继续开展粮食稳定增产行动,稳定粮食种植面积,着力提高单产。引导农民调整结构,扩大紧缺、优质农产品 生产,支持蔬菜、肉蛋奶、水产品等生产。农业补贴要继续增加总量,提高标准,扩大范围,完善机制,新增补贴重点向种养大户、农民专业合作社及各种生产服务 组织倾斜。 We will steadily develop agricultural production and increase farmers' incomes by various means. We will continue to carry out activities to steadily increase grain production, keep the area of land sown to grain crops stable, and increase per-unit yields. We will guide farmers to adjust their mix of crops or livestock, and produce more farm products that are high in quality or short in supply. We will support the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and aquatic products. We will continue to increase agricultural subsidies, raise their standard, expand their coverage, improve mechanisms for issuing them, and direct new subsidy increases mainly to large family farms, specialized farmer cooperatives, and producer-oriented service organizations. 

继续提高粮食最低收购价,今年小麦、稻谷最低收购价平均每50公斤分别提高7.4元和16元。健全主产区利益补偿机制,增加粮油、生猪等重要农 产品生产大县奖励补助资金。实施新10年农村扶贫开发纲要,按照新的国家扶贫标准,全面做好扶贫开发工作,加大集中连片特殊困难地区扶贫开发力度,让扶贫 对象更多地分享改革发展成果。 We will continue to raise the minimum purchase price for grain, and we will raise the average floor prices for wheat and rice by 7.4 yuan and 16 yuan per 50 kilograms, respectively. We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing major growing areas and increase rewards and subsidies to major counties that produce important agricultural products such as grain, oilseed, and hogs. We will implement the 2011-2020 rural poverty alleviation and development program and, in accordance with the new national standards for poverty alleviation, do a good job of all poverty alleviation and development work, and step up our work in contiguous areas with particular difficulties to ensure that people in poverty share more fruits of reform and development.

加快农业科技进步。农业的根本出路在科技。要大力推动农业科技创新,加大对良种繁育、疫病防控、农产品质量安全等关键技术研发和应用的支持力 度。加快推进基层农技推广服务体系改革和建设,健全乡镇或区域性农业公共服务机构。完善农业技术补贴制度,促进先进适用农业技术到田到户。建好现代农业示 范区,推进高产创建和标准化创建。加快农业机械化步伐。 We will speed up progress in agricultural science and technology. The fundamental way to develop agriculture is through science and technology. We will vigorously promote innovations in agro-science and increase support for R&D on and the application of key technologies for cultivating superior varieties and breeds, preventing and controlling animal and plant epidemics, and ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products. We will accelerate reform and development of the service system for spreading agricultural technology in villages, and improve public service agricultural agencies in townships, towns, and regions. We will improve the system for subsidizing agricultural technologies and encourage farmers to use advanced and appropriate agricultural technologies. We will develop modern agriculture demonstration sites, encourage farmers to grow high-yield crops, promote the standardization of farming techniques, and accelerate agricultural mechanization.

加强农业农村基础设施建设。今年中央财政用于“三农”的投入拟安排12287亿元,比上年增加1868亿元。要搞好灌区配套改造和小型农田水利建 设,大力发展节水农业,加大土地开发整理复垦力度,大规模建设旱涝保收高标准基本农田。加快中小河流治理、小型水库除险加固和山洪地质灾害综合防治。加强 农村水电路气以及文化体育等基础设施建设,推进农村环境治理,加快农村危房改造,继续改善农村生产生活条件。 We will strengthen agricultural and rural infrastructure. The central government plans to allocate 1.2287 trillion yuan for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, 186.8 billion yuan more than last year. With these funds we will build and upgrade water-saving facilities in irrigated areas and build more small water conservancy projects, and vigorously develop water-efficient agriculture. We will intensify efforts to develop, improve, and reclaim rural land and develop on a large scale basic farmland that meets high drought and flood resistance standards. We will take speedy steps to harness small and medium-sized rivers, reinforce small aging reservoirs, and take comprehensive measures to prevent and mitigate geological disasters caused by mountain torrents. We will continue to improve working and living conditions in rural areas by strengthening infrastructure such as water, power, and methane supply facilities, roads, and cultural and sports venues, and by cleaning up the environment and renovating dilapidated houses more quickly.

深化农村改革。坚持农村基本经营制度不动摇。要认真搞好土地确权登记颁证。土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权是法律赋予农民的财产 权利,任何人都不能侵犯。加强土地承包经营权流转管理和服务,发展适度规模经营。严格保护耕地。制定出台农村集体土地征收补偿条例。扶持发展农民专业合作 社、产业化龙头企业,开展多种形式的农业社会化服务,发展农业保险,提高农业产业化、组织化程度。深化农村综合改革。推进国有农场、林场体制改革。   We will deepen rural reform. We will uphold the basic rural operation system. We will work diligently to determine, register, and certify land ownership. Farmers' rights to the land they contract to work on, to the land on which their houses sit, and to proceeds from collective undertakings are property rights conferred by law, and these rights must not to be violated by anyone. We will provide better supervision and services for the transfer of contracted land-use rights, and develop farming operations on an appropriately large scale. We will place farmland under strict protection, and formulate and promulgate regulations concerning compensation for the expropriation of rural collective land. We will support large-scale farming by specialized farmer cooperatives and leading enterprises, encourage various sectors of society to provide services for agriculture, develop agricultural insurance, and increase commercialization and specialization in agriculture. We will deepen comprehensive rural reform. We will also reform systems for managing state-owned farms and forest farms and continue to deepen reform of tenure in collective forests.