First, strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination, and form synergy between our policies and actions.
Second, promote reform and innovation, and boost the medium- and long-term growth potential of the world economy.
Third, build an open world economy and reinvigorate international trade and investment.
Fourth, implement the 2030 sustainable development agenda and lend strong impetus to equitable and inclusive development.
2、 那些文绉绉的句子
As an old Chinese saying goes, "To cure a disease, one should treat its root causes; to fix a problem, one should target its source."
We have an old Chinese saying, "The going is difficult when doing it alone; the going becomes easier when doing it with many others."
Instead of talking the talk, we must walk the walk.
3、 习大大也会看病啦?
Like a person who falls ill, running a fever may just be the symptoms, the root cause, however, lies with problems in the body system.
Once the root cause is located, targeted medicine must be prescribed.
If the world economy could be compared to a human body, trade and investment is like its blood. If the blood vessels are blocked, the health of the world economy would be at risk.
(习大大都用了中医术语,看来要想当翻译,先做一个"杂家", 无论什么题材都要阅读,天天点滴积累真的很有必要,说不定哪天就成了滔滔江水,那时,你也就滔滔不绝滴讲英语啦。)